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Poster Presentations

Poster sessions represent an important method of exchanging scientific information and findings from the latest research studies - and Children’s Healthcare Canada is committed to providing this opportunity as part of the 2023 Children’s Healthcare Canada Annual Conference.

Poster presentations feature displays by authors of scientific research papers and will include a pictorial summary of the author's research. The Poster Hall provides an opportunity for attendees to meet and interact with the authors.

Sunday, December 3
Poster Viewing: 12:00 AM-4:30 PM PST

Monday, December 4
Poster Viewing: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM PST
Attended Poster Sessions: 12:30-2:00 PM PST

Posters will be available on the conference app closer to the event.

Event Date

Pre-Conference Transitions Pop-Up:
Dec. 2-3, 2023

Main Conference:
Dec. 3-5, 2023

Conference Co-Hosts

For more information
