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Leadership Award Nominations


    Every year, Children's Healthcare Canada honours individuals who exemplify personal dedication, professional achievement, and commitment to the healthcare community. We believe the health of children and youth is dependent on leadership in each of the roles of patients, parents, caregivers, and organizations. To recognize, support, and promote these leaders for their tremendous impact and leadership within and beyond the child health sector, Children's Healthcare Canada has established the Leadership Awards.

    Why should I nominate someone?

    1. It's a great way to recognize the value of someone's contributions to their community or workplace.
    2. It's good to sing about the unsung heroes.
    3. It's a fantastic way to show your gratitude for someone's efforts and dedication.
    4. Recognition is FREE.

    Key Dates

    June 1, 2023: Launch of Call for Nominations
    July 16, 2023: Nominations for 2023 awards program closed
    Late September: Winners are notified
    December 4, 2023: Awards will be presented at the 2023 Children's Healthcare Canada Awards Ceremony

    Nomination Categories

    Patient and Family Leadership Award

    The Children's Healthcare Canada Award for Patient & Family Leadership was created to recognize outstanding leadership by a patient (current or former), parent or caregiver who has served to improve the patient and family experience for those accessing pediatric health care in Canada.

    This award will be presented to an individual who has exemplified courage, commitment, and resilience by donating their time and emotional energy to promote systemic change at a local, regional and/or national level.

    View Full Award CriteriaSubmit Nomination

    Individual Leadership Award
    The Children's Healthcare Canada Award for Individual Leadership was created to recognize outstanding leadership by an individual who has dedicated their career to improving the health and well-being of children and youth in Canada through healthcare delivery, health promotion, policy initiatives and/or increased public awareness.

    This award will be presented to an individual who has exemplified leadership, creativity, and initiative to promote positive change and long-term improvement for the health and well-being of children and youth.

    View Full Award CriteriaSubmit Nomination

    Organizational Leadership Award
    The Children's Healthcare Canada Award for Organizational Leadership recognizes the leadership of an organization, a foundation, or a corporation to enable the best health and well-being for Canada's children and youth. The recipient organization has demonstrated leadership to inspire change and innovation that is sustainable with significant and lasting impact on the pediatric healthcare system(s), and/or populations served.

    This award also recognizes the value an organization places on partnerships and collaboration within the healthcare community.

    View Full Award CriteriaSubmit Nomination

    Leadership in Media
    Attention health reporters and social media influencers!

    We consume information from many sources. The Children's Healthcare Canada Award for Leadership in Media was created to recognize all outstanding journalism, reporting, editorial or blogging that increases awareness of Canadian pediatric health issues, or the role Children's Healthcare Canada members play to enable the best healthcare for Canada's children and youth. In addition to mainstream media, this award is also open to stories, posts, and campaigns run on social media platforms that have made a difference in the past year, bringing reliable child health issues to the attention of the public in more novel ways.

    View Full Award CriteriaSubmit Nomination

    Family and Person-Centred Care Award
    The Children's Healthcare Canada Award for Family and Person-Centred Care was created to honour teams or programs who have set in place innovations that improve the human experience in healthcare. This award will highlight and recognize innovations that include the four (4) concepts of family-centred care:

    • Dignity and Respect: Healthcare practitioners listen to and honor individual and family perspectives & choices, and incorporate individual and family knowledge, values, beliefs and cultural backgrounds into planning and delivery of care.
    • Information Sharing: Healthcare practitioners communicate and share complete and unbiased information with individuals and families in ways that are affirming and useful. Timely, complete, and accurate information is shared with families to support effective participation in care and decision-making.
    • Participation: Individuals and families are encouraged and supported in participating in care and decision-making at the level they choose.
    • Collaboration: Individuals, families, health care practitioners, and healthcare leaders collaborate in policy and program development, implementation, and evaluation; in facility design; in professional education; and in research; as well as in the delivery of care and have made a change to how patients, residents, clients, their families, and communities experience healthcare services.

    Programs and services must demonstrate success through patient experience, staff training & development, and satisfaction & engagement of staff & clinicians.

    View Full Award CriteriaSubmit Nomination

    Event Date

    Pre-Conference Transitions Pop-Up:
    Dec. 2-3, 2023

    Main Conference:
    Dec. 3-5, 2023

    Conference Co-Hosts

    For more information
