Under the Reports tab you have several options to view different reports:
All payment transactions for the project
Compiled list of all transaction details
Payment breakdown report
Type of payment and total amount made ($)
Sortable Payment Report
Check transactions based on field selection
Collection Report
Report of reconciled payments
Financial & Payable Breakdown Report
Display transactions based on the selected date, you will see payable breakdowns for each registrant. This area shows all the transactions made including: first/last name, date they registered, subtotal, tax, total, any refunds made
If you click on the registrant's row, you are given further information regarding the registrant and can view/edit their registrant info or look at the invoice
Bottom right gives total amounts for cost/tax/total/refunds
Project Payable Info
Lists payable information for the project (fields with a payable amount associated)
Payment Status Report
Client name, invoice number, amount and status of payment is shown for each registrant
Columns Button
Allows you to hide or show the columns
Filter Button
Several options to filter your data by payments method, transaction type, dates registered.
You can export any list by clicking the Export button on the top right. It will export into Excel
Custom Reports
Include the Report Name and a short Description (save)
Click on Expressions
+Add Expression & choose your expression type (Table/Graph/Number/Text/Financial) include a label and description then (Save changes)
Choose which fields you would like to include in the custom report, choose the type of graph/table etc you would like to use / choose which registrants you would like shown (complete, incomplete, cancelled, not cancelled) (save)