My Conference Suite guide

Setting Capacities

There are multiple ways to can set capacities in an event:

  1. To set a capacity on how many total registrants can register for an event:
    • From the left hand mastermenu click on "Registration" then "Settings"
    • In the "Max Registrations" field, specify in digits the max amount of registrants you would like to allow to register for your event.
  2. Setting a capacity on a registration field:
    • From the left-hand master menu click on "Fields" then "Builder"
    • Click the Pencil icon to edit the field you would like to set a capacity on
    • You can set a capacity on the overall field by clicking "Advanced Edit"
  3. Click on "General Settings Options" and enter the number you would like for the field Capacity
  4. You can also set a capacity on a specific value by clicking the "Advanced Edit" button below the value and then "General Settings Options" and inputting the numeric value for the capacity.