From the Master menu on the left hand side click on:
{Registration} {Fields} {Builder}
On the right side of the page, you have 6 options of different fields to add:
Click on the blue pencil on the right side of the field to edit.
Click on the blue pencil on the right side of the field to edit.
This will bring up the field's data on the right menu. The "title" is for the data you would like to display.
Under the "Options" button, you can make the field mandatory for the registrant to fill out by clicking the "Required" box. This will put a red asterisk beside the field.
For Radio, Dropdown, and Checkbox fields you will have the ability to put as many values as you would like. Title will be the heading to the field and by pressing "Values"; you can insert your options there. You can "Add Values" to add more option fields, "Add Other" to create an Other option with a blank text box below it for the Registrant to fill additional information in. "Sort Values" allows you to grab and drag the options to re-order them as you please.
Under "Options" you can make the field required, adjust the field placement/size/column as well as attribute a dollar value ($) to them by checking off "Is this a payable field".
The "File" Field allows the registrant to upload a file.