My Conference Suite clients are able to create their own events via the Left-side master menu under "Projects" then "New". The Event builder is a 3-page process, which collects all information related to your event registration. For a breakdown of this process, click "Create Event" below.
On the first page of the event build, basic event information is collected including whether the event is bilingual or unilingual. MyConference suite will automatically create the language registration pages linked to the same dataset.
Page 2 collects financial information pertaining to your event: Sales Tax, Payment Methods, Tax Number, and Payment Gateway Setup.
On Page 3 you will select you template for the event. Your previously saved templates will be displayed first with default templates below them.
Choose from an older project by selecting the project from the dropdown menu, or use a prebuilt template. If you chose "Style Only" it will have the look of a template but without any prebuilt questions.
To select a saved or default template click "Use" and "Continue" found a the bottom of the page.