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Providing MAiD: A Canadian MAiD Curriculum Project Pilot Workshop

Thursday, May 4th | 1:30pm - 4:30pm

The Canadian MAiD Curriculum (CMC) Project is a four year project lead by the Canadian Association of MAiD Assessors and Providers (CAMAP) to develop, produce and deliver a nationally recognized, fully accredited MAiD training curriculum – a series of seven modules (covering eight topic areas) – to address the spectrum of needs of all clinicians who assess for the eligibility for and provide MAiD in Canada.

The CMC project is calling on clinicians (MD and NP) to participate in the pilot testing of CMC Topic 5: Providing MAiD. This topic contains a mandatory Online Pre-Learning Module that must be completed prior to the in-person facilitated session on May 4th.

Along with your own learning, the purpose of your participation is to evaluate the module and the content delivery, identify learning gaps, and support the development of the CMC. Your input is valuable and will be reviewed and may be incorporated into the revisions of the module under development.

At the end of this workshop, learners will be able to :

  1. - Plan for a MAiD provision
  2. - Manage the practical and emotional aspects of MAiD provision
  3. - Prepare the MAiD team, patient, family/friends for the provision
  4. - Support the MAiD team, patient, family/friends before, during, and after-provision
  5. - Use a waiver of final consent
  6. - Anticipate and manage adverse events
  7. - Manage the post-provision period
  8. - Reflect on the gravity of providing MAiD and witnessing grief and the spectrum of impact on MAiD providers
  9. - Identify resilience practices that can support a sustainable MAiD practice

Who should register?

Physicians and Nurse Practitioners who are interested in learning how to provide medical assistance in dying and who are willing to provide feedback to support the development of the CMC. You do not need MAiD assessment or provision experience to attend.

Please note that registrants will be vetted and selected to achieve a cohort that is diverse in jurisdiction and MAiD experience. Those selected to participate will receive an email from the CMC project team to confirm their registration.

What happens after you complete this Topic?

Your feedback will be kept confidential and will be shared with the curriculum development Working Groups responsible for developing the learning modules.

The modules will undergo a revision based on this evaluation and will be finalized before the “hard launch.” The hard launch is when the final learning modules will be offered through a combination of online and in-person learning across Canada. Once hard launched, all CMC Topics will be fully accredited.

Returning Registrant

Upcoming Events

Pre-Conference Date
May 4, 2023

Main Conference
May 5-6, 2023

Halifax, Nova Scotia

Information & Assistance

All questions should be directed to

Administrative fees will apply to cancelled registrations. We encourage you to finalize travel prior to registering.