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DAY 1: FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2023

Time Session
7:30 Registration & Networking Breakfast
8:30 Welcome and Opening Remarks
Stefanie Green, President, CAMAP
8:30 Keynote Address
Mona Gupta

CAMAP Updates (National MAiD Curriculum)
Gord Gubitz

Canadian Blood Services Update on Organ Donation

Kim Wiebe

Health Canada Update
Jacquie Lemaire

10:30 Networking & Health Break
11:00 MAiD Grounded in/Influenced by Social Determinants of Health
Jessica Shaw
11:45 Navigating Family Conflict: Through the Sorenson Case and Other Examples
Ashley Miller and Christy Simpson
12:30 Networking Lunch
1:30 Requests Made in Advance of Loss of Capacity

Clinic Issues: Final Consent Waivers / Advance Consent
Tanja Daws, Konia Trouton, Ben Schiff

Advocacy Issues: The Future of Advance Requests
Jocelyn Downie, Tim Holland, and Ben Schiff
3:00 Networking & Health Break
3:30 Delivery Systems: Brag and Steal!
Moderator: Gord Gubitz
5:00 Conference Adjourn
5:00 - 6:00 Welcome Networking Reception
7:30 Keith's Brew House featuring The East Enders - 1496 Lower Water Street, Historical Brewery Market

DAY 2: SATURDAY, MAY 6, 2023

Time Session
7:30 Registration & Networking Breakfast

Barriers to Access

Clinical Issues: Barriers Not Grounded in Conscientious Objection to MAiD
Julie Campbell

Advocacy Issues: Forced Transfers
Daphne Gilbert and Jyoti Jayaraman

10:00 Networking & Health Break
10:30 Provider Humility – Assessments that Honour a Patient’s Life Journey/Experience
Tiffany O'Donnell
12:00 Special Presentation followed by Networking Lunch
1:00 What Does it Mean to be Ready for MAiD MD SUMC?
Jennifer Chandler, Kim Wiebe, Terry Chisholm and Gus Grant
2:00 Research

Insights from Research Pre-Conference
Best abstracts from Research Forum

CAMAP Research Group and Ellen Weibe
2:45 Networking & Health Break
3:00 Interactive Discussion of Challenging Cases
Jonathan Reggler



Time to Complete Evaluations

Closing Remarks

Returning Registrant

Upcoming Events

Pre-Conference Date
May 4, 2023

Main Conference
May 5-6, 2023

Halifax, Nova Scotia

Information & Assistance

All questions should be directed to

Administrative fees will apply to cancelled registrations. We encourage you to finalize travel prior to registering.