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Call for candidates
Every year before the Annual Meeting, online elections are held for regional positions on CHF Canada’s Board of Directors and Ontario Council.
Elections are held at the AGM itself for at-large positions on the Board of Directors and the Finance and Audit Committee. At the Annual Meeting of Ontario Members, elections are held for any non-regional positions on the Ontario Council.
A Call for Candidates was emailed to co-ops in February containing information about the positions available and how to submit a nomination. The report of the Nominating Committee can be found here as well as updates on nominations to elected positions on the Board of Directors, the Ontario Council and the Finance and Audit Committee.
Positions up for election
Here are the positions up for election in 2020. The nominations deadline has been extended to 5 p.m. Eastern time on April 30, 2020. Names of candidates will be posted as they are received.
Board of Directors
Regional Directors (Board of Directors, each for a three-year term*)
Elected electronically
- Alberta/Northwest Territories
- Saskatchewan
- Manitoba
- Ontario
- Nova Scotia
- Prince Edward Island
- Newfoundland and Labrador
At-large Directors (five positions, each for a three-year term*)
Elected at the AGM in Halifax, NS
Finance and Audit Committee
Committee Member (One two-year position)
Elected at the AGM in Halifax, NS
Ontario Council
Council Member Representing Northern Ontario
Elected electronically
- One (1) three-year position
For more information, contact Tim Ross at the CHF Canada office by email or by phone toll-free at 1-800-465-2752 or
(613) 230-2201 in Ottawa, ext. 222. You may also contact
members of the Nominations Committee:
- Lisa Berting (Regional Director, British Columbia/Yukon)
- Stephen Davies (Regional Director, New Brunswick)
- Mary Ann Hannant (Ontario Council Member representing Federations)
- Allison Chase (At-large Ontario Council Member)
To put your name forward, download:
- the candidate’s declaration form, for Board of Directors or for Finance & Audit Committee candidates
- the candidate’s declaration form, for Ontario Council candidates and
- the confirmation of good standing.
Scan and email the completed declaration form and the confirmation of good standing by the nominations deadline of 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on April 30, 2020, to CHF Canada’s Corporate Secretary, Christine Seguin. Please note: we have previously offered the option to fax in a nomination form, but we are not able to accept forms by fax at this time. For more information on how to submit your forms, please contact Karine Ethier at kethier@chfcanada.coop or call 1-800-465-2752, ext. 239.
Being on the Board
CHF Canada’s Board of Directors governs CHF Canada between annual meetings according to the by-laws and rules approved by the members. It oversees CHF Canada’s operations and sets its priorities based on resolutions passed by its membership. The Board makes sure that CHF Canada’s management is performing well and is accountable to members. Directors serve a three-year term and can be re-elected for up to two consecutive terms. The Board:
- elects the president, vice president, treasurer and other executive committee members from among Board members
- hires, supervises and evaluates the Executive Director
- approves personnel policies and staff salary ranges
- approves quarterly financial statements
- presents financial statements to the members at the Annual Meeting
- prepares resolutions to put forward at the Annual Meeting
- reports to members on CHF Canada activities
- brings the views of members in their region to CHF Canada discussions
- keeps aware of issues facing housing co ops in Canada and internationally
- makes sure that CHF Canada acts with integrity and in the best interests of its members
- works to secure the future of CHF Canada and the co operative housing movement in Canada.
What can I expect at Board meetings?
- Sunday, June 14, 2020: Post-AGM meeting, Halifax, NS
- July or August 2020 (date to be announced): Orientation for new directors and council members, webinar
- September 10, 2020: Governance training session (Board and Council), Ottawa, ON
- September 11-12, 2020: Annual planning session (Board and Council), Ottawa, ON
- September 12, 2020: Board of Directors meeting, Ottawa, ON
- November 20-21, 2020: Board of Directors meeting, Ottawa, ON
- March 2021 (date to be announced): Board of Directors meeting, Ottawa, ON
- June 10-12, 2021: AGM in Ottawa, ON
Teleconference calls may be scheduled between meetings. Directors may also serve on CHF Canada committees or represent CHF Canada with other organizations. The executive committee is elected at the post-AGM meeting. The executive committee meets monthly by teleconference.
What costs are covered?
CHF Canada pays travel and hotel expenses for the Board meetings and annual meetings.
Directors receive a per diem to cover meals and other expenses.
Directors can be reimbursed for child care, care of other dependants and some lost wages.
Who can run?
CHF Canada needs strong leaders who mirror the diversity of people in our housing co-op communities across the country.
Diversity means, but is not limited to:
- including people from any/all walks of life and backgrounds (political affiliation, religion, colour, race, gender, sexual orientation, country of origin, age, ability and economic level)
- respecting the differences that are inherent in any group of people and that distinguish one group from another
- accepting one another as unique individuals.
So what do we look for in our candidates? These are just some of the qualities:
- an understanding of the co-operative principles and how to apply them
- a commitment to help CHF Canada grow and to serve its members
- proven leadership skills—either within the co-op sector or from other experiences
- flexibility, collaboration and good communication skills.
Many new directors or Council members have no experience at all in association governance and that’s okay. CHF Canada offers an excellent governance training program. We’ll help you, as a newly elected leader, learn the meaning of good governance and how you can contribute to the good governance of your national federation.
Voting keypads
CHF Canada is going high-tech! Delegates will use voting keypads for elections and resolutions at the National Business Meeting and Meeting of Ontario Members.
Where do I get one?
Pick up and sign for your keypad at the kiosk marked ‘Voting Keypads’ on the convention hall level of the Halifax Convention Centre.
When can I pick it up?
Keypads will be distributed between 1p.m. and 4 p.m. on Friday, June 12, and again between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. on Saturday, June 13.
How do I return the keypad?
There will be a container outside the meeting room for you to drop off your keypad at the end of the National Business Meeting.
Declared candidates
Regional Director – Ontario

My name is Tom Clement and I am running for re-election as the Ontario Regional Director on the CHF Canada Board. My first term on the board was a time of significant change for the organization. The next few years will bear the fruit of that change.
I am the Executive Director of the Co-operative Housing Federation of Toronto. With more than 40 years of experience, knowledge and expertise, my firm belief in the power of co-ops to create a better world is stronger than ever. Here are a few of my achievements.
First term highlights
- Chaired the CHF Canada Governance Task Force
- Member of the Hiring Committee that hired our new Executive Director
- Appointed to the board of directors for the Agency for Co-operative Housing
Political action
- Organized the Raise the Roof Rally
- Met with MP’s and MPP’s around issues such as end of operating agreements, continuation of subsidies and building more affordable housing
- Negotiated with Service Managers to continue providing subsidies for co-ops after the end of their operating agreements
- Led the conversion of Alexandra Park public housing to Atkinson Co-op
Social responsibility
- Launched the Here to Stay Fund – a rent bank that helps members with short term arrears stay in their co-op homes
- Created the first co-op conflict mediation service
- Developed the CHFT Diversity Scholarship program – awarding over one million dollars in scholarships to more than 280 students living in co-op housing
- Expanded the Diversity Scholarship program across most of Canada
Sector collaboration
- Worked with CHF Canada and the five Ontario Federations to sign a Memorandum of Co-operation
- Developed the bulk-buying program, Co-op Cost Cutters
- Worked with the Ontario federations to find areas where our joint efforts would improve service delivery to our members.
- On a more personal note, I am a huge basketball fan, a retired basketball coach, a runner, husband and father. Follow me on social media.
Regional Director, NL
At-large Directors (five positions)

Scott Stager Piatkowski was elected as a Director at Large on the CHF Canada Board in 2017 and is now seeking your support for his re-election. As a member of the Board, Scott has served on the Executive Committee and Risk Underwriting Fund Committee since 2019 and also serves as Vice-President of Essex Non-Profit Homes (a CHF Canada subsidiary). He previously served on the Nominating Committee (for the 2018 AGM) and the Resolutions Committee (for the 2019 AGM). In three years on the Board, he has never missed a meeting.
Scott has been heavily involved in the co-operative housing movement for over thirty years: as an active co-op member, as a staff person in five different co-ops (in Ottawa, Guelph, Kitchener and Waterloo), and an elected sector representative at several different levels. This has included serving as President of Ontario Council for CHF Canada, as President of the Co-operative Staff Association of Central Ontario, as Chair of the former Federations Committee, as Treasurer for the Staff Education Forum, and as a CHF Canada delegate to The Co-operators. He also served as Government Relations Consultant with the Ontario Co-operative Association.
Scott has been heavily involved in the Central Ontario Co-operative Housing Federation (COCHF) since its inception, as an education program planner, workshop leader and neutral chairperson. He trains volunteer boards in governance issues, leads strategic planning sessions, and chairs meetings for a variety of co-operatives and other non-profit organizations. COCHF has twice presented Scott with its Co-op Service Award for his contributions to the co-op sector.
Scott has a long and varied history of community involvement, which culminated in his election to the Board of Trustees of the Waterloo Region District School Board in 2018. He is a former President of the AIDS Committee of Cambridge, Kitchener, Waterloo and Area (ACCKWA), a former Chair of the Board for the Wilfrid Laurier University Students’ Union (WLUSU), and also has extensive Board experience with other organizations.
As a volunteer facilitator with the Co-operative Young Leaders program (CYL), Scott was the 2010 recipient of the Youth Mentorship Award from the Ontario Co-operative Association. He was also recognized by his high school for his contributions to the community at large and was added to their Wall of Honour in 2010 and included as one of sixty distinguished alumni in a book published for the school’s sixtieth anniversary.
For thirteen years, Scott wrote a weekly newspaper column for several different community papers. He has had numerous articles published by a variety of other local and national publications and media websites and has appeared frequently as a commentator on television and radio.
This community involvement and media experience, along with his past experience as Vice-President of the Ontario New Democratic Party, has given Scott a strong understanding of how government functions at all levels.

My name is Dawn Obokata, and I am a candidate for an at-large position on the CHF Canada Board of Directors.
I’ve been a member of a wonderful 18-unit co-op, in a richly-diverse area of downtown Toronto, for over 30 years. I’m so grateful to have had access to secure and affordable housing while dealing with all the demands of raising a family and working in the arts sector. (I am a professional actor, member of ACTRA and Canadian Actors’ Equity, and currently an ESL teacher for newcomers to Canada.)
Throughout my years at St. Nicholas I was the frequent delegate to CHFT, and attended many education events in order to deepen my understanding of cooperatives. I have participated on numerous committees and served several terms on the board. As our co-op’s GLOBE community champion I received a Kathleen Blinkhorn Award for Volunteerism. I have also been actively involved in the governance of my professional association, serving for 9 years as a national councillor (including 6 years as vice-president) of Canadian Actors’ Equity. At the end of my term I received the Larry McCance award for outstanding contribution to the association and its members.
I was honoured to be elected to the CHFT board 3 years ago, and am currently in my second year as President. As such, I have attended 2 Ontario Federation meetings, and the CHF Visioning Summit in 2018. I have also been my co-op’s delegate to 7 CHF Canada AGMs, and always came away so educated and inspired.
I am a passionate advocate for cooperatives. I have seen the movement in Canada mature in such an impressive way, and I am always deeply inspired by the energy and commitment of those involved in the movement. As a board member and leader I have earned a reputation for calm, thoughtful leadership, the ability to listen to diverse opinions, to inspire collaboration, and to think outside the box.
We are at a critical point now as many housing co-ops are living their new reality, post-operating agreement or approaching the end of mortgages in the near future. Affordable housing is a huge community and political issue. I am eager to continue looking beyond the walls of my co-op to the larger issues that are affecting us all.
I know that I still have much to learn, but hope that I have something to offer to the sector. I would be deeply honoured to serve on the national board of CHF, and thank you for your consideration.

I am happy to introduce myself and put my name Bill McKeon forward for the At Large Director Position.
I am from Burlington, and have resided at Wellington Square Co-op for the past five years with my spouse and two daughters, (who have just moved to start their careers) and have been associated with Wellington Square for 14 years.
I have proudly served on the Board of Directors for three years; serving the last two years of my term as Vice President and Staff Supervisor, and my first year as Interim Treasurer. Additionally, I have played a vital role in various committees such as Finance, Policy & Procedures, Parking, and Social – in which I am the current chair, over the past four years.
I have attended multiple workshops and training programs to ensure I stay current with Cooperative standards and regulations, and bring innovation to our residents. For the three years, I have been the Wellington Square Delegate for Peel Halton Cooperative Housing Federation.
I am always looking for ways to bring our cooperative together. I put together annual summer street parties, organize monthly euchre tournaments, set up bocce ball in the park, and make sure that the park is maintained well for the children. I am often referred to as “the Mayor” of Wellington Square, as I work hard to establish a strong sense of community and bring people together.
In my personal life, I have volunteered and continue to volunteer for many of the community festivals in Burlington and surrounding cities, and have served on the Board of Directors for many of them.
At work, I am on the Health and Safety Committee and serve as the Workers Representative; certified by the Ontario Ministry of Labour. Staying involved and raising awareness in my community, my cooperative, and my workplace is very important to me.
With my current experience and motivation for bringing forth change and awareness, I believe I would be an asset to the Board of Directors.
Thank you for taking the time to read my Bio, I look forward to hopefully earning a position as an At Large Director. Please stay safe during these trying times.
Yours Truly,
William (Bill) McKeon

Hello! My name is Michelle Maldonado and I’m seeking to fill an At-Large Director seat on the CHF Canada Board of Directors.
I’m very excited to rejoin the Board. From 2011-2015 I had the pleasure of serving you as a Director-At-Large on the CHF Canada Board, and it was one of the most fulfilling periods of my professional life. I hope you grant me the opportunity to serve you again.
My story in the co-op sector started at birth… when my parents brought me home from the hospital to Swansea Village Co-op in 1984. They could not have picked a better community. The co-op is still my home today, and is where I am now raising my own little family.
Since 2002, I have been an active member at the local, regional and national levels of the co-op sector, serving on various Boards and Committees, as well as on special projects and campaigns (you may have seen me in some of CHF Canada’s videos!). I have also worked in the sector as a co-op Coordinator for 6 years. Currently I work part time as a Property Manager at a United Church in Toronto that serves as a social justice hub in the city, and part time as an Instructor at George Brown College teaching Social Policy.
These are new, exciting times of great change for the co-op housing sector. I hope that my return would bring both new ideas to the Board, and also a familiar face and stability in the form of a Director you know who has shown in the past to always have your interests at the forefront.
If re-elected to the CHF Canada Board, I would commit to:
- Continue to come up with new and effective ways of meeting our members’ needs in this time of great change.
- Press the government for continued funding of existing programs that our members rely on, and for new investment in the co-op housing sector.
- Help prepare our co-ops for a successful future by putting forth creative ways to help our member co-ops excel in Good Governance, Sound Management, Financial Security, Diversity, Aging In Place, Leadership Renewal, and Environmental Sustainability.
- Strengthen networking between housing co-ops across Canada, and between our sector and other local & international co-ops (we are strongest when we work together!).
- Ensure that CHF Canada achieves the goals it has set for its members. The coming years are crucial and I am determined to make sure that the goals CHF Canada set are successfully carried out.
I am truly passionate about doing everything I can to help advance our co-op housing movement. Co-op housing allows for a unique way of living and a unique model of community. Co-op homes are not just units where we live, they are places of opportunity. I want to bring my experience, my passion, my drive, and my ideas back to the CHF Canada table once again to ensure our co-op housing communities continue for generations to come. Thank you.
Regional Director, Alberta

Isabel grew up at Sarcee Meadows housing cooperative and split her time between Sarcee Meadows and West Heritage Manor housing cooperative during her tween and teen years. She continues to live at Sarcee Meadows, which led her to seek opportunities to give back to her community there.
She began by serving on the board of her local coop for the last 5 years. Wearing many hats, Isabel has been the Vice-Chairperson and Parliamentarian among other roles. She has provided meeting facilitation at regular board meetings and support as a board liaison to various committees. In addition, Isabel was a founding board member of the board norms taskforce for her board, overseeing opportunities for improvement for board governance.
This past year, Isabel has served on the Southern Alberta Cooperative Housing Association (SACHA) board, expanding her understanding and knowledge of coop history within Southern Alberta as well as the opportunities and issues facing housing co-ops on a provincial level.
By joining the CHF Canada board of directors, Isabel’s goal is to bring the perspective of housing coops in the Northwest Territories and Alberta into consideration. Her experience in board governance, chairing, minute-taking, and more, will assist her in this process.
On a national level, housing co-ops are an essential player in maintaining secure and affordable housing within Canada. With her participation on the board of directors of CHF Canada, Isabel will advocate on behalf of all CHF Canada members and stakeholders.
Regional Director, PEI

My name is Barbara Dingwell and I am running for the Prince Edward Island Regional Director position. I am truly passionate and dedicated to the Co-op Housing movement, and believe it is a unique way of living, where its very foundation strengthens and builds community.
My involvement with Housing Co-operatives began 31 years ago, as one of the founding members of the Westridge Estates Co-operative Ltd. Since that time, I have been an active member of the community, serving on various committees and boards while focusing on co-operative principles and values. I previously served a 3-year term (2017-2020) as the CHF Canada PEI Director and found it to be an extremely rewarding and educational experience. I look forward to having the opportunity to represent PEI again, with even more perspective and experience behind me. I also bring a wealth of experience from the 4 years of which I was a member of the Urban Beautification, Forestry, and Sustainability Committee with the City of Charlottetown. I served as a director on The Prince Edward Island Co-operative Council (2012-2016). I am always proud to serve my community.
Currently, I am the Treasurer on the Board of Directors, as well the past chair of the Westridge Estates Co-operative. I feel very fortunate to be part of the housing co-operative and am proud to call Westridge Estates Co-op my home - a true community within a community.
If elected as the Prince Edward Island Regional Director, I will work diligently to ensure that the Co-op Housing movement remains viable and strong well into the future by:
- Continuing to strengthen networks between Island Housing Co-operatives and across Canada
- Bringing Islanders together to learn more about the importance of the Co-operative Housing Federation
- Lobbying to ensure sustainable and long term funding to government supported initiatives
- Providing a strong representation for Co-operatives at both the provincial and federal level
- Representing the voices of local Co-operatives on the CHF Canada Board of Directors
Thank you for your consideration and support.
Barbara Dingwell
Regional Director, SK

Greetings to all CHF Canada Saskatchewan Housing Co-ops members. I am James Gilliard and I live at Rainbow Housing Co-operative in Saskatoon with my family and became a member on September 1st, 2002, and have been involved in the sector ever since. I find it to be rewarding, challenging, and very educational.
I am currently serving on the national board as your representative, as an organization we have a challenge ahead of us with ensuring all members who require subsidy, receive it. In SK. the current provincial Gov’t can’t understand the advantage of maintaining members’ subsidies. Nationally that is our struggle, this is not only a SK. problem other provinces are dealing with the same issue. I am will continue to do my best to change the minds of the people in power in SK. and in other provinces.
I look forward to being your voice at the national table again.
My experience in the sector is as follows: 2003 – 2009 Rainbow Housing Board of directors, 3 years as president; 2005 – 2011 CHF Canada Board of Directors where I was on the nominating committee and the executive of the Board; 2010 – 2011 SCA Board of Directors; 2005 – 2011 The Co-operators Regional Committee; 2007 – 2013 CHAS Board of Directors 4 years as president; 2013 – present Rainbow Housing Board of Directors as president since 2014; 2014 – 2016 Saskatoon Community Clinic Board of Directors where I was on the Governance committee, Values Committee and Facilities committee. My experience is broad and diverse; which is an asset for this position and for the members of CHF Canada living in Saskatchewan.
I appreciate your support in my endeavor to serve your co-op and your members at the National level. I look forward to any questions and concerns you may have, contact me at jajgilliard@shaw.ca and I will return your inquires to the best of my abilities. Thank you for considering me for this position.
Co-operatively yours:
James Gilliard
Regional Director, Manitoba
Regional Director, Nova Scotia
Finance & Audit Committee
Ontario Council Member, Northern Ontario

After retirement, got involved in municipal politics, elected as councillor and served as deputy mayor for 11 years.
Continued to serve my community in different organizations.
We presently live at Tamarack Coop Housing in Sudbury, serving on the Board of Directors and acting as secretary.
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Event Information
DateJune 11-13, 2020
Halifax Convention Centre
1650 Argyle St,
Halifax, NS
For More Information
Questions?Please contact Marie Marin,
CHF Canada Annual Meeting Registrar: