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Please click on the links below to view the abstract and recorded presentation of the poster. You may leave comments by clicking the icon in the comments column for each poster. Responses to comments and questions will be evaluated for the Best Poster award so please do engage with our poster presenters!

Video Abstract Comments # Title of Poster Authors
1 Alignment of regulatory examinations and public health priorities: Exploring the representation of Cancer in the MCCQE-1 Marissa Sherwood, Eleni Giannopoulos, Janet Papadakos, Maria A. Martimianakis, Kulamakan Kulasegaram, Meredith Giuliani
2 The Addis Ababa Toxicology Curriculum Project: Educational needs assessment for the toxicology modules of an Emergency Medicine Training Program Anna Nowacki, Sofia Kebede, Margaret Thompson, Alexandra McKnight, Aklilu Azazh, Lisa Puchalski Ritchie
3 Achieving the ACGME core competencies for surgical trainees in the COVID-19 era: What have we learned and where do we go? Gary Ko, David Berger-Richardson, Savtaj Brar, David W. Lim, Tulin D Cil
4 Virtual continuing health professional education: A scoping review Courtney Cheng, Janet Papadakos, Rouhi Fazelad, Ben Umakanthan, Meredith Giuliani
5 Physiotherapists’ perspectives on professional practice leadership models: Key features to enhance physiotherapy practice Emily Chinn, Jian Dealy, Jordan Stepien, Corey Negin, David Le, Katey Knott, Martine Quesnel, Brenda Mori
6 Performance, success, and challenges—Experiences of IMG residents in the Department of Psychiatry Alpna Munshi; Tara Hattangadi; Yasmin Lalani; Sophie Soklaridis; Umberin Najeeb; Sanjeev Sockalingam
7 Interpretations of success: The impact of the Education Development Fund (EDF) Lindsey Fechtig; Kulamakan (Mahan) Kulasegaram; Tasnia Khan; Morag Paton
8 Development and evaluation of an information resource for volunteer inpatients participating in MD student clinical skills training Yaanu Jeyakumar, Michael D. Elfassy, Laura Duncan, Joyce Nyhof-Young
9 Patient experiences with a remote monitoring pathway for COVID-19 Courtney Cheng, Lora Appel, Andrea Scrivener, Heather Sampson, Christopher Smith
10 Resource development in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery: Evaluation of an educational tool for family physicians Mariana Colussi-Pelaez, Dr. Albino Chiodo, Dr. Sophie Huang, Dr. Jolie Ringash, Dr. Heather Sampson
11 Developing a virtual community-based deprescribing program Margarita Rashev, Meghan Abrahamson, Tarek Dahche, Justin Lin, Andrew Liu, Heather Sampson, John Abrahamson
12 Clinical trials and limited health literacy: A scoping review Janet Papadakos, Karen Lawrie, Rouhi Fazelzad, Zaira Escamilla Gonzalez, Sean Motwani, Margarita Rashev, Meredith Giuliani
13 The pandemic-driven transition from traditional to online - a mixed-methods analysis of its impact on multiple stakeholders S. Chiodo, J. Abrahamson, M. Giuliani, A. Hopkins, J. Nyhof-Young, T. Papadakos, H. Sampson
14 The patient experience of rapidly increased use of virtual care visits during the COVID-19 pandemic Jenna Darani, Dr. Lora Appel, Andrea Scrivener, Christopher Smith, Heather Sampson
15 Optimizing case-based learning: An evaluation of tutor and first year MD student perceptions of group size and format variations Meghan Kerr, Juehea Lee, Anne McLeod, Joyce Nyhof-Young
16 Investigating mistreatment of Canadian undergraduate MD students with spiritual & religious affiliations Gagandeep Singh, Chantal Phillips, Anita Balakrishna, Joyce Nyhof-Young
17 Investigating mistreatment of MD students with spiritual & religious affiliations: An exploratory study Chantal Phillips, Gagan Singh, Anita Balakrishna, Joyce Nyhof-Young
18 Wearable technology and live video conferencing: The development of an affordable virtual teaching platform to enhance clinical skills education during the COVID-19 pandemic Lauren Wintraub, Xie M, Issa M, Jeyakumar Y, Nelms M, Sharma D, Teitelbaum D, Otremba M, Sirianni G, Nyhof-Young J, Leung F-H.
19 Current experience and future challenges of COVID 19 in Sri Lanka: An Auto-ethnographic study Savithiri Ratnapalan, Niranjala Perera N, Xiaolin Wei, Sudath Samaraweera, Sumal Nandasena, Prasad Liyanage, RMSD Fernando , T.M.E Dabrera, SU Adhikary, KADS Chandrasiri, SM Arnold
Virtual Event Portal


October 28-30, 2020

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