DAY 1: Tuesday May 16, 2023
Keynote Address

Dr. Gregory Cajete, PhD
Emeritus Professor in the Division of Language, Literacy and Socio Cultural Studies, University of New Mexico
Gregory Cajete is a Native American educator whose work is dedicated to honoring the foundations of Indigenous knowledge in education. Dr. Cajete is a Tewa Indian from Santa Clara Pueblo, New Mexico.
Dr. Cajete is a practicing ceramic, pastel and metal artist. He is extensively involved with art and its application to education. He is also a scholar of herbalism and holistic health. Dr. Cajete also designs culturally-responsive curricula geared to the special needs and learning styles of Native American students.
He worked at the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, New Mexico for 21 years. While at the Institute, he served as Dean of the Center for Research and Cultural Exchange, Chair of Native American Studies and Professor of Ethno- Science. He is the former Director of Native American Studies (18 years) at the University of Mexico. He is also an Emeritus Professor in the Division of Language, Literacy and Socio Cultural Studies in the College of Education and the Department of Native American Studies in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of New Mexico. In addition, he has lectured at colleges and universities in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, New Zealand, Italy, Japan, Russia, Taiwan, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, England, France and Germany.
Dr. Cajete has authored 8 books: “Look to the Mountain: An Ecology of Indigenous Education,” (Kivaki Press, 1994); “Ignite the Sparkle: An Indigenous Science Education Curriculum Model”, (Kivaki Press, 1999); “Spirit of the Game: Indigenous Wellsprings (2004),” “A People’s Ecology: Explorations in Sustainable Living,” and “Native Science: Natural Laws of Interdependence” (Clear Light Publishers, 1999 and 2000). “Critical Neurophilosophy and Indigenous Wisdom,” Don Jacobs (Four Arrows), Gregory Cajete and Jongmin Lee) Sense Publishers, 2010. “Indigenous Community: Teachings of the Seventh Fire,” (Living Justice Press, 2015). Published (Spring2020): Native Minds Rising: Exploring Transformative Indigenous Education and Sacred Journeys: Personal Visions of Indigenous Education (John Charlton Publishers Ltd.). Dr. Cajete also has chapters in 37 other books along with numerous articles and over 300 national and international presentations.
DAY 2: Wednesday May 17, 2023
Practice & Education Panel

Dr. Maria Mylopoulos, PhD
Scientist & Associate Director of Training Programs, The Wilson Centre
Maria’s research program explores the development and maintenance of expertise, with a particular focus on how
health professionals deal with uncertainty, novelty and complexity in their daily clinical problem solving. The
aim of her research is to evolve understanding of the knowledge and capabilities that underpin this facet of
expertise as it occurs in real-world contexts using theoretical frameworks of clinical reasoning and adaptive
expertise. The ultimate goal of her research is to translate this understanding to educational design that
promotes the development of exceptional clinicians who are able to handle the complexities and challenges of the
healthcare workplace.

Dr. Paula Rowland, PhD
Scientist, The Wilson Centre
Paula Rowland began her career as an occupational therapist, working with children and adults in multiple
healthcare settings across Canada. Following an interest in how the places where professionals work shape how they
work, what they can know, and what they can learn, Paula pursued graduate studies in health systems and
organizations. Having completed her PhD in 2013, Dr. Rowland focuses on broad mandates to reform the practice of
health professionals within clinical workplaces. Her existing research has explored two substantive change
efforts: patient engagement programs and patient safety and quality improvement programs. In each of these
domains, Dr. Rowland explores questions about knowledge, power, and identity.
Through these studies of
change efforts, Dr. Rowland’s program of research (a) extends and disrupts theorizations of professions and
professional work, (b) builds from these conceptually rich understandings to examine interactions between
professions, professional work, and healthcare reform, (c) contributes to education science through explorations
of these changing dynamics and their implications for professional knowledge and learning. Conceptually and
theoretically, her work makes connections between sociology of the professions, sociology of work, and health
professions education.
Dr. Rowland is interested in working with students and colleagues using social
science theories to understand patient engagement, quality improvement, and patient safety programs. She is also
interested in sociocultural approaches to understanding learning and practice within clinical workplaces. This
might include dynamics of the clinical learning environment, practice-based learning, workplace learning,
knowledge mobilization, and continuing professional development. Ultimately, she contributes to models of
education that support future experts and future expertise in a rapidly changing world.

Dr. Nicole Woods, PhD
Scientist & Associate Director of Operations/UHN, The Wilson Centre
Institute Director, The Institute
for Education Research at UHN
Dr. Nicole Woods is a cognitive psychologist who received her PhD at McMaster University (2005). Her work
examines the role of basic science knowledge in clinical reasoning and the development of medical expertise.
Applying principles of memory and human cognition to education across the health professions, her research program
focuses on the mental representation of categories and instructional design that supports cognitive integration of
basic and clinical sciences. Working with her research collaborators and graduate students, Dr. Woods is building
a theoretical model of knowledge acquisition and integration in the health professions. Although most closely
linked to undergraduate education, her work has implications for the development of expertise along the entire
spectrum of professional education.
DAY 3: Thursday May 18, 2023
Keynote Address

Dr. Ivy Lynn Bourgeault, PhD, FCAHS
Professor & Research Chair, University of Ottawa
Lead of the Canadian Health Workforce Network
Ivy Lynn Bourgeault, PhD, is a Professor in the School of Sociological and Anthropological Studies at the
University of Ottawa and the University Research Chair in Gender, Diversity and the Professions. She leads the
Canadian Health Workforce Network and the Empowering Women Leaders in Health initiative. Dr. Bourgeault has
garnered an international reputation for her research on the health workforce, particularly from a gender lens.
Perspectives on Collaborative Competency Frameworks: An International Dialogue

Dr. Brian Hodges, MD, PhD, FRCPC
EVP Education & Chief Medical Officer, University Health Network
President-Elect, Royal College of
Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
Brian D. Hodges, MD, PhD, FRCPC is Professor
in the Faculty of Medicine and Executive-Vice President Education and Chief Medical Officer at the University
Health Network (Toronto General, Toronto Western, Princess Margaret, Toronto Rehab Hospitals and the Michener
Institute). He is a practicing psychiatrist and teacher. His research focuses on assessment, competence,
compassion and the future of the health profession. His work has been recognized with the British Association for
Studies in Medical Education Gold Medal (2014), the Association of American Medical Colleges Flexner Award (2015)
and the Karolinska Institutet Prize for Research in Medical Education (2016).
He earned a Bachelor’s degree
in Psychology and an MD at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. He then pursued a residency in psychiatry at
University of Toronto. He earned a Masters and then a PhD in Education at the Ontario Institute for Studies in
Education in Toronto and he holds a Diploma in Health Economics and Social Sciences from the University of

Dr. Anthony P. Breitbach, PhD, ATC, FASAHP, FNAP
Vice Dean, Doisy College of Health Sciences, Saint Louis University
Dr. Anthony Breitbach is a tenured Professor and serves as Vice Dean of the Doisy College of Health Sciences at
Saint Louis University (SLU). A native of Dubuque, Iowa; Dr. Breitbach graduated from the Athletic Training
Program at the University of Iowa in 1985, received a Master’s degree from the University of Florida in 1987 and a
PhD from SLU in 2007. He is an Association of Schools Advancing Health Professions (ASAHP) Fellow and chairs their
Partnerships, Alliances and Advocacy Committee, their Interprofessional Task Force as well as representing them on
Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) Core Competencies Revision Work Group. He serves on the Executive
Committee of the American Interprofessional Health Collaborative (AIHC). In March 2021, he was named as a
Distinguished Fellow and inaugural Chair of the Athletic Training Academy in the National Academies of Practice.
He helps lead Communication working groups for Interprofessional.Global Interprofessional Research.Global and the
Collaborating Across Borders Conference. He is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Interprofessional Care; is
President-Elect of the Alpha Eta National Allied Health Honor Society, is a Peer Reviewer for the Higher Learning
Commission and serves as Public Member on the CAE Commission of the American Society of Association

Sharon Buckley MSC PhD PGCE SFHEA DipSciComm
University of Birmingham
An experienced health educator and UK National Teaching Fellow, Sharon was the Lead for Interprofessional Education at the University of Birmingham (UK) (2012 to 2021). She led the establishment of the educational framework for IPE at Birmingham and of the Universitas 21 IPE Special Interest Group. She was Principal Investigator for national evaluations of the UK Scientist Training Programme and the UK Genomics Education Programme; led research groups that successfully published two Best Evidence Medical Education (BEME) systematic reviews and was Deputy Lead for the Birmingham Masters in Education for Health Professional programme.
An Honorary Associate Professor in Medical Education at Birmingham since 2021, Sharon maintains her interest in IPE through her work as a Board member for the UK Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education (CAIPE), as Senior Associate Editor for The Clinical Teacher and through educational writing and research.

Dr. Fiona Kent, B. Physiotherapy, Grad Cert EBP, MHPE, PhD
Director Collaborative Care and Work Integrated Learning, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, Monash University
Associate Professor Fiona Kent is the Director Collaborative Care and Work Integrated Learning in the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, Monash University. She is also an APA neurological physiotherapist and has worked as a clinician and clinical educator across multiple health networks and at Monash University. She completed her Masters in Health Professional Education investigating patient perspectives of student led care and her PhD in interprofessional student education. She convened the Graduate Certificate in Health Professional Education at Monash University 2012-2015. Her work and research focuses on the development and evaluation of interprofessional curriculum.

Dr. Andre Vyt, PhD
Lecturer, Ghent University and Artevelde University of Applied Sciences
Chair, European Interprofessional Practice & Education Network (EIPEN)
Andre Vyt is university lecturer in the field of human behaviour, education, collaboration, and quality assurance, at Ghent University and Artevelde University of Applied Sciences (Belgium), in study programmes of health care and teacher training. He received a Master's degree in Clinical and Developmental Psychology as wel as in Educational Sciences in 1985, and obtained a PhD in 1990 on the basis of research in Psychology. For 15 years he was chief editor of the interdisciplinary Yearbook of Developmental psychology, Special education and Child Psychiatry (in Dutch). After serving as research scientist for 8 years at the university, and part-time as associate scientist at the National Institutes of Child Health & Human Development (US), he combined lecturing with positions as Head of Teaching & Learning services, Student Support services, Research & Development, and Quality Management. Between 1995 and 2005 he co-authored the PROSE toolbox for quality management in the sectors of education and of health and social care, which resulted in a spin-off company, later transformed into the autonomous AQARTO Agency for quality assurance, assistance, assessment and auditing ( Pioneering aready in 1995 he started developing interprofessional education at Artevelde University of Applied Sciences, and in 2005 implemented this also at Ghent University, where he was appointed at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Andre Vyt is co-founder of the European Interprofessional Practice & Education Network (, which he chairs since 2011. In 2020 he co-founded an innovate 2-year postgraduate programme in interprofessional rehabilitation ( Andre Vyt provides consultancy to institutions and European agencies, and produced several tools for educational management and quality management. He authored the book Exploring quality assurance for interprofessional education in health and social care, co-authored the 5Key competences framework for interprofessional practice of EIPEN, and developed the Interprofessional Practice & Education Quality Scales. His current research on interprofessional practice focuses on collaboration in residential care and home-based care.

Dr. Carrie Krekoski, BDSc(DH), MEd., Ed.D(c), DHP(C)
Faculty of Dentistry and Practice Education Manager, Office of the Vice President, Health, University of British Columbia
Carrie Krekoski, BDSc(DH), MEd., Ed.D(c), DHP(C), is a Clinical Professor in the Faculty of Dentistry and Practice Education Manager, Office of the Vice President, Health, UBC. Carrie supports the strategic planning, development, implementation and evaluation of integrated interprofessional practice education initiatives. She collaborates closely with the UBC Health team, faculty leads from various UBC health disciplines, and community partners to support the strategic planning, development, implementation and evaluation of interprofessional education for collaborative practice. She facilitates the exchange, synthesis and application of knowledge to promote practice improvement and to inspire healthcare colleagues to work collaboratively toward team-based care and health system renewal.
Her teaching and scholarship focus on interprofessional education, behavioural sciences and practitioner wellbeing across the learning continuum; undergraduate, graduate and practitioner. Carrie also brings experience in healthcare regulation; she earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Dental Hygiene (UBC); Masters of Education (Simon Fraser University); and is currently completing a doctorate in educational leadership and policy (UBC). A recent highlight of her work is a book chapter, Resilience in Practice in ABC of Clinical Resilience, eds. Frain, A., Murphy, S., & Frain, J. (2021).

Alison Whelan
Chief Academic Officer, AAMC
Alison J. Whelan, MD, became the AAMC’s chief academic officer in January 2021. In this role, Dr. Whelan oversees efforts that prepare and assist deans, faculty leaders, educators, and future physicians for the challenges of 21st century academic medicine. She leads a staff that addresses critical medical school data, administrative, and operational issues; explores new models of successful mission alignment; focuses on key student and faculty issues; transforms current models of education and workforce preparation across the full continuum of medical education; and supports medical school accreditation activities.
Dr. Whelan joined the AAMC as chief medical education officer in 2016. Prior to joining the association, she served as a professor of medicine and pediatrics at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis (WUSTL School of Medicine). She held multiple education roles during her tenure, including course director, clerkship director, curriculum dean, and the inaugural senior associate dean for education. In this role, she oversaw the continuum of medical education from medical school admissions through continuing medical education. She also liaised closely with the MD-PhD program leadership. Dr. Whelan led or oversaw local accreditation for LCME®, ACGME, and ACCME, and she participated in overall university accreditation as well as accreditation for a new master of public health program. She was responsible for interprofessional education and led the creation of a Center for Interprofessional Education, a joint venture between the school of medicine and two completely independent organizations: Goldfarb School of Nursing and St. Louis College of Pharmacy.
An internist and clinical geneticist, Dr. Whelan continued both clinical care and research involvement until she left WUSTL School of Medicine. She created and ran the hereditary cancer clinic, co-ran an interdisciplinary Marfan clinic, was co-director of the Siteman Cancer Center Hereditary Cancer Research Core, and served five years on the Siteman Cancer Center Executive Committee.
Dr. Whelan received her bachelor’s degree from Carleton College in 1981. She earned her medical degree from WUSTL School of Medicine in 1986 and completed her postgraduate work and residency at the former Barnes Hospital, now Barnes-Jewish Hospital.
Event Date & Time
May 15, 2023 (pre-conference)
May 16 – 18, 2023 (virtual conference)
**All times and dates stated on this website are in Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)**
Event Location
Virtual, Zoom Events
Restricted to registered guests
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