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Virtual Member Education Forum Webinar Series: June 15 – 30

* Workshop webinar registration is separate from AGM registration this year

Due to COVID-19, the in-person education workshops scheduled for Halifax have been cancelled.

However, CHF Canada is delighted to offer a series of seven webinars as part of a Virtual Member Education Forum’ to be held between June 15 – 30, 2020.

There is a mix on offer: some are popular workshops that had been scheduled for our in-person Annual Meeting in Halifax, adapted to be delivered online. Others respond to priorities that have emerged over the past few weeks and were identified in response to our COVID-19 member survey. These sessions will provide opportunities for members to learn about (and exchange experiences of) governance, operations and community practices as a result of the pandemic.

If you register a voting delegate for the Virtual AGM on June 13th, your co-op is entitled to two complimentary webinars! You will need to have your AGM delegate’s name handy when your co-op registers for the webinar series, because the registration form will require it to entitle your co-op to the free webinars.

For each free or paid registration, up to two members of your co-op can attend each webinar live. Most of the webinars will be recorded, and this recording will be available to registrants who can then share with other members, manager or staff at your co-op. There is one registration form for all the webinars, you just select the ones you want from the list. You should decide which members will attend each webinar before you register, because the registration form will ask for their names and email addresses (remember up to two can attend each webinar live).

Note that all sessions will be in English.

Register early to make sure you can attend your top picks!

To review all available webinar options, and to register please visit the Webinar page

Register Now


Language Toggle

Event Information

June 13, 2020
1:30 PM ET ('doors' open at 12:30 PM ET)
Deadline to register for the Virtual AGM is Thursday June 11 at 5:00 PM ET
(Participant instructions and meeting link to be provided by email prior to the meeting)

For More Information

Please contact Marie Marin,
CHF Canada Annual Meeting Registrar: