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Mélissa Boutot

Mélissa Boutot Jeux sérieux pour l'imagerie médicale

Alex Guytingco

Alex Guytingco

Amanda Jacques

Amanda Jacques Clinical Educator/Instructor Radiation Therapy

Yixiu Jiang

Yixiu Jiang student

Pamela Paterson

Pamela Paterson BSc, MRT(T), MSc(c)

Sidsel Pedersen

Sidsel Pedersen MRT(R), MHS

Wei Shen

Wei Shen RTR, CTIC

Dominique Tardif

Dominique Tardif Jeux sérieux pour l'imagerie médicale

Jasleen Uppal

Jasleen Uppal Radiation Therapy Student


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If you are not a CAMRT member simply choose the non-member ticket type.