
Sherry Barbosa The doctor will see you....in 1 -2years! How we brought down wait times in Interventional Radiology at Lions Gate Hospital

Annemarie Budau Implementation and Evaluation of a Multi-Hospital Hysterosalpingogram Pre-Procedural Pregnancy Screening Protocol to detect Unsuspected Early Pregnancy and Avoid Hysterosalpingography

Lauren Fougner Eyeing Therapeutic Radiopharmaceuticals - A Look Into Staff Dosimetry

Jacqueline Middleton Creating Scholarly Practitioners: An investigation into whether the University of Alberta’s Radiation Therapy Program alumni are engaging in research and its dissemination after graduation

McKenzie Ricard Managing Mental Health during a Pandemic
Wei Shen AI Analysis in the Traumatic CT Scan

Wenlong (Jack) Zhu COVID-19 Enhanced People’s Willingness to use Mobile X-ray Service.
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