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Online Supervision

Online supervision is provided to clinicians from collaborating institutions with a cohort of therapists committed to becoming certified CALM therapists. To begin supervision, therapists must be seeing regular CALM cases.

Supervision follows a train-the-trainer model. When the site lead is CALM certified, the lead is trained to provide supervision within their site and/or region. Bi-monthly meetings are scheduled with a CALM developer to discuss progress and supervision cases at the site.

To become a certified CALM therapist, two successful cases must be completed under supervision. Cases are presented at supervision at least twice: once after the initial CALM assessment and once prior to the completion of CALM therapy.

The process for CALM Therapist Certification is outlined below:

Criteria to Begin CALM Therapist Certification Requirements to Receive Therapist Certification (Therapist in Training) Therapist Certification Maintenance (Certified CALM Therapist)
  • Candidate is a Registered Health Care Provider in country of clinical practice, psychotherapy is within their discipline’s scope of practice, and the candidate is regularly involved in care of patients with advanced cancer.
  • Candidate has completed a minimum of one CALM Workshop within six months of beginning CALM Therapist Certification.
  • Candidate regularly sees patient cases appropriate for CALM.
  • Trainee attends CALM supervision with a Certified CALM Supervisor for a minimum of 10 sessions over 12 months.
  • During supervision, trainee completes 2 cases satisfactory under supervision rated with the Treatment Integrity Scale. Each case is presented at supervision at least twice; once after the first CALM session and once prior to the completion of CALM therapy. Following each presentation, the trainee and supervisor will complete the CALM Training Treatment Integrity Scale and identify areas for further development.
  • At 6 and 12 months a cumulative summary of supervision is completed using the Summary Treatment Integrity Scale to determine therapist competency.
  • Trainee documents and submits records of supervision attendance, number of cases completed, and treatment integrity scale to the Supervisor for verification with Global CALM Program documentation.
  • CALM Certified Therapist attends at minimum 8-10 hours of supervision annually (which could include: case presentation at workshop, peer supervision, or formal supervision with a CALM Certified Supervisor).
  • CALM Certified Therapist treats a minimum of two CALM cases annually.

The process for CALM Supervisor Certification is outlined below

Criteria to Begin CALM Supervisor Certification Requirements to Receive Supervisor Certification (Supervisor-in-Training) Supervisor Certification Maintenance (Certified CALM Supervisor)
  • Candidate has completed CALM Therapist Certification and continues to maintain certification.
  • Candidate has a minimum of two years of experience with CALM; this may include the time it took to complete CALM Therapist Certification.
  • Supervisor-in-training provides supervision with 2-3 therapists on an ongoing basis (at least once per month).
  • Supervisor-in-training completes and Treatment Integrity Scale with therapists presenting cases at each supervision session.
  • Presented cases are documented and discussed at bi-monthly meeting with a CALM Certified Supervisor to discuss supervision process. Areas of discussion include:
    • Do the cases discussed reflect CALM
    • Review of Treatment Integrity Scale collected at supervisor-in-training supervision sessions
    • CALM Supervision Certification Evaluation completed by CALM Certified Supervisor with the supervisor-in-training
    • Video recordings, audio recordings, or transcripts of cases presented at CALM supervision are encouraged to be reviewed
  • Supervisor and supervisor-in-training complete CALM Supervisor in Training Evaluation Questionnaire at the end of each meeting. At 6 and 12 months a cumulative summary of the supervision is completed using the Supervisor in Training Evaluation Questionnaire to determine certification.
  • Commitment to attend, host or present at CALM workshop every two years, or other approved CALM continuing education activities.
  • It is encouraged that supervisors are active in the international CALM community.

Supervision Overview

The therapist cohort meets regularly with a certified CALM supervisor. Rotating case presentations are discussed among the supervision group. Discussion topics include:

  • The patient’s current distress, CALM domains, CALM process, transference/counter-transference, and therapist impression.
  • Review of measures collected for research and clinical purposes.
  • Case consideration in terms of attachment, affect regulation, reflective awareness, and death-related distress.
  • Examination of the patient-therapist relationship in attachment terms and adjustment to therapist stance as needed.
  • Attendees and supervisors are strongly encouraged to use audiotaped or videotaped material from the actual CALM sessions to supervision for each case.

Supervision supports the therapist to further formulate an impression of the patient. Suggestions for therapy goals and future interventions are provided.


Treatment Integrity forms are completed by the supervisor after every CALM supervision. The evaluation is completed on the basis of the discussion in supervision and the skills demonstrated in the session. Competency will be evaluated on the following factors, as applicable:

The Therapeutic Relationship Modulating Affect Shifting Frame Interpretations Termination The CALM Domains

Qualitative feedback on the case will be provided by the supervisor on an ongoing basis.

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Upcoming CALM Events

CALM Workshop

We are planning exciting online courses to replace our previously scheduled in-person workshops. More information will be posted here soon.


Registration Inquiries/ Assistance
416-597-3422 x 3448