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Submit Abstract

Call for Abstracts

UPDATE: We're excited to announce the potential for an abstract competition in collaboration with a special chapter focused on "Reducing Disparities in Health Care Access for Refugees and Migrants" in an international journal. This competition represents a unique opportunity to showcase your work and gain recognition in a prestigious publication. Stay tuned for more information!

Come share and learn at one of the largest clinical conferences on refugee health globally. The North American Refugee Health Conference is recognized as the premier conference for those who work with refugee populations. From its humble beginnings, the North American Refugee Health Conference (NARHC) has expanded to become one of the largest clinical conferences on refugee health globally. Our scope has broadened to include local and international refugee issues.

Health professionals and experts from many disciplines, will meet to discuss the best health practices, challenges for optimal care, research and advocacy for the refugee patient population both pre and post migration. The latest research on refugee health issues will be profiled as both novices and experts share ideas with local and international colleagues.


  • Submissions are to be made in English in the online system only. Carefully review the guidelines prior to starting the online process because all fields are mandatory.
  • All presenters are expected to register for the conference and are responsible for their registration fees and any other presentation expenses. Registration will open in November 2024 and early registration rates will apply until August 7, 2025.
  • Final selection of presentations will be determined based on the submissions that the committee believes best integrate with the conference themes.
  • We welcome you to submit a workshop, oral or poster presentation to the North American Refugee Health Conference.

  • Call for Abstracts Opens: Tuesday, September 3, 2024
  • Call for Abstracts Closes: Monday, February 24, 2025 at midnight Eastern Daylight Time
  • Notification of Acceptance: End of March, 2025
  • Early Bird Registration by: Thursday, August 7, 2025
  • Conference Dates: September 11-13, 2025
  • For the full Submission Guidelines, click HERE

    Submit Abstract

    Event Dates

    Thursday September 11 - Saturday September 13, 2025

    Event Location

    Sheraton Fallsview Hotel
    5875 Falls Ave,
    Niagara Falls, ON
    L2G 3K7

    Information & Assistance

    Conference Services

    North American Refugee Health Conference (NARHC) Inc.

    Click here to learn more about NARHC Inc.

    We do not issue letters of invitation to international delegates. Administrative fees will apply to cancelled registrations. We encourage you to finalize travel prior to registering.