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Welcome to NARHC 2025

Join us from September 11th to 13th, 2025, at Niagara Falls, Canada, for a premier event dedicated to advancing refugee health. Founded by Dr. Anna Banerji in 2009, the North American Refugee Conference (NARHC) is a leading global conference addressing all aspects of refugee health, from pre-migration to resettlement.

Engage in keynote addresses, interactive workshops, and panel discussions. Network with experts, advocates, and peers to share best practices in advocacy, education, and research. Whether you're a student or a seasoned professional, your participation will help create promising practices in refugee health and settlement.

Why attend?

Our conference offers unparalleled opportunities for professional and personal growth. Network with industry peers, interact with keynote speakers, participate in hands-on breakout sessions, and explore new tools and technologies. Enjoy spontaneous interactions that build community. Immerse yourself in a focused environment free from daily distractions, enhancing your confidence, communication skills, and overall professional development.

Who should attend?

Family Physicians / Primary Care Practitioners, Specialists, Nurses, Mental Health Workers, Psychiatrists, Nurse Practitioners, Allied Health Workers, Dentists, Policy & Public Health Specialists, Refugees, Researchers, Students, Settlement Workers or other professionals interested in refugee health.

Returning Registrant

Event Dates

Thursday September 11 - Saturday September 13, 2025

Event Location

Sheraton Fallsview Hotel
5875 Falls Ave,
Niagara Falls, ON
L2G 3K7

Information & Assistance

Conference Services

North American Refugee Health Conference (NARHC) Inc.

Click here to learn more about NARHC Inc.

We do not issue letters of invitation to international delegates. Administrative fees will apply to cancelled registrations. We encourage you to finalize travel prior to registering.