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Aurora Village BBQ
Tuesday, August 13

Since opening in November 2000, Aurora Village has grown to become Yellowknife’s premier aurora-viewing destination. Aurora Village is entirely Aboriginal-owned by Don and Gladys Morin. They have made it their mission to share their Aboriginal heritage with others through Aurora Village.

Those who wish to stay up for a chance to view the remarkable auroras are welcome to stay until 1:30am. We have exclusive use of the grounds until 11pm. Conference delegates who would like to stay for aurora viewing will have their very own secluded private area – separate from other aurora tourists who will begin to arrive at 11pm.

6:00pm – 7:00pm Bus to Aurora Village
6:30pm – 8:30pm BBQ Dinner at your leisure
8:30pm – 1:30am Campfire & aurora viewing

The aurora forecast is a calculation based on measurements of the solar wind and can only be determined on a very short range basis. Most often, it’s only possible to see the potential for the northern lights a few hours before it is supposed to happen! Auroras cannot be guaranteed this Tuesday evening, however Aurora Village is situated in the best aurora-viewing location.

If you’re looking to get a sneak preview of what the night might potentially hold, check out the Astronomy North Aurora Forecast.

**Please dress for the terrain and the outdoors**

For more information

Carolyn Spence
613 238-2514 x 2263

Event Information

August 11 to 13, 2019

Chateau Nova
4571 48 Street
Yellowknife, NT
X1A 0E2
1 (866) 722-6682