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Conference Presentations

Please click on the icons on the left in the table below to access the conference presentations.

Reproducing, distributing, or otherwise sharing the content of the presentations available on this page is strictly prohibited without the express permission of the speaker.
Orientation Material
Geerard Beets
How to Approach the MMR Deficient Patient with Locally Advanced Colon Cancer
Geerard Beets
Where Do We Stand with Lateral Compartment Lymphadenectomies
Geerard Beets
Where Does the Evidence Stand in Support & Against Non-operative Management Strategies
Marylise Boutros
Technical Considerations in the Treatment of Transverse Colon Cancers
Carl Brown
How to Manage the T2 Tumour Overtreatment Oncologically or Undertreatment Functionally
Sean Cleary
Oncologic & Technical Considerations with Stage IV Liver Disease
Julio Garcia-Aguilar
D3 Lymphadenectomy in Colon Cancer Where Does the Evidence Stand
Faek Jamali
Novel Therapies for Peritoneal Carcinomatosis HIPEC, PIPEC & Beyond
Uqba Khan
CtDNA & Systemic Options in the Adjuvant Treatment of Stage II & Stage III Colon Cancer To Escalate or De-Escalate, That is The Question
Uqba Khan
Immunotherapeutic Considerations Treating the MMR Deficient & Proficient Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer
Tsuyoshi Konishi
Standardizing Your Approach to a Lateral Node Dissection and Where Can Things Go Wrong
Tsuyoshi Konishi
Lateral Lymphadenectomy in Rectal Cancer What is the best parameter for its indication
Tsuyoshi Konishi
Minimally Invasive Strategies in the Treatment of Recurrent Rectal Cancer
Tsuyoshi Konishi
My Approach to a Laparoscopic D3 Lymphadenectomy for Right Sided Colon Cancer
Gonzalo Sapisochin
Unresectable Metastatic Disease Considerations & Outcomes in Transplant Oncology


October 26 & 27, 2024

Information & Assistance