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From November 7 to 9, 2024 Simon Fraser University is proud to host the Royal Society of Canada (RSC) 2024 Celebration of Excellence and Engagement in Vancouver, British Columbia. This annual gathering is an opportunity to celebrate achievements, discuss global challenges, and to welcome distinguished scholars to Vancouver.

Since 1882, the recognition of excellence by the RSC is the highest honour to achieve in the Arts, Social Sciences, Humanities and Sciences. We are delighted to recognize this year's exceptional cohort of 104 new Fellows and 56 new Members of the RSC College who have significantly impacted their respective disciplines at both national and international levels. The Induction Ceremonies welcoming new Members will be held on Friday, November 8, 2024.

At the RSC Award Ceremony on Saturday, November 9th, 2024,17 prestigious awards will be presented to Canadian scientists, scholars, and researchers for their advancement of knowledge and impact in Canada and internationally. Additionally, we will celebrate the 23 recipients of the Abella Prize, awarded to law studentswho, upon graduation, are expected to positively influence equity and social justice in Canada.

SFU is excited to host a symposium oncommunity-centred climate innovation: a community first approach to developing and implementing mitigation and adaptation technologies, policies and strategies, and a strategic research priority for SFU.

This full-day symposium kicks off the RSC'S COEE programme on November 7, 2024.

We look forward to seeing you in Vancouver!

Registration Closes October 4, 2024.

Already Registered?



NOV 7, 2024 8:30AM-4:30PM

RSC MEMBERS: $250.00

NON-MEMBERS: $300.00

STUDENT RATE:Please contact us for more info.



NOV 7 - NOV 9, 2024

RSC MEMBERS: $550.00




NOV 9, 2024 6:00PM-12:00AM


TABLE OF 10: $3,250.00





The Royal Society of Canada offers members in good standing assistance with conference fees, please contactrscfinance@rsc-src.cafor more information.