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Marriott Downtown at CF Toronto Eaton Centre
525 Bay Street Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
M5G 2L2
Phone: (416) 597-9200
Reservations Toll Free: 1-800-905-0667 or 1-800 228-9290
Reservations Online:Book online
Group Name: Toronto Rehab's TBI Conference

A block of rooms have been reserved for Thursday February 8, 2024. In order to make your reservation, please call the toll free reservation line or click on the online booking link provided above. Please mention "Toronto Rehab's 16th Annual Brain Injury Conference” in order to receive your special hotel rate of $289.00 CAD /night plus taxes (single or double occupancy) plus HST (13%) and DMP (2.66%). The special room rate will be available until January 8, 2024 or until the group block is sold-out, whichever comes first.

Hotel Parking:
The hotel offers valet parking for $60 per vehicle, per night with full in and out privileges or $22 for self-parking. This rate is subject to change without prior notice. Please call ahead to determine if oversize vehicles can be accommodated.

Alternate Parking:
Alternatively, please see the nearby self-parking options below:

Returning Registrant

Conference Date

Friday February 9, 2024

All times are in Eastern Standard Time (EST)

Conference Location

Marriott Downtown at CF Toronto Eaton Centre
525 Bay St., Toronto, ON M5G 2L2
Grand Ballroom, Lower Convention Level


Conference Services

Click here to subscribe to our communications list.

We do not issue letters of invitation to international delegates. Administrative fees will apply to cancelled registrations.