Invited Speakers

Noelle Carlozzi, PhD
University of Michigan
Dr. Carlozzi is a Professor and Director of the Center for Clinical Outcomes Development and Application (CODA) in the Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation and a Professor of Surgery at the University of Michigan. With a broad background in clinical psychology and specific training in neuropsychology, she is an expert in outcomes measurement development, measurement application, and cognitive test development. Much of her work involves measurement development including both neuropsychological test development and patient-reported outcome (PRO) measurement development using state-of-the-art item response theory-based methods to develop computer adaptive tests (CATs). Most recently, she has been applying her outcomes measurement expertise in innovative ways, such as utilization of mobile health applications to evaluate real-time assessment of symptoms and functioning, and using these patient-reported outcomes to guide just-in-time-adaptive interventions.

Kirsten Clacey
Facilitator and Coach, The Remote Coaches
Kirsten Clacey is a professional Facilitator and Coach. Her neuropsychology background coupled with extensive experience gives her a unique perspective on humans and systems. Her strength lies in building quality relationships and her desire to treat everyone she meets with fairness and genuine curiosity. Kirsten shares her knowledge by speaking at worldwide events and is the co-author of The Remote Facilitator's Pocket Guide.
Kirsten is also founder of The Remote Coaches consultancy and co-authored The Remote Facilitator's Pocket Guide.

Angie Davis, B.A., B.Ed., RYT, iRest meditation teacher
Gentle Yoga International
Angie Davis is an international yoga and meditation teacher, writer, speaker and coach. She is the founder of Gentle Yoga International, an online global community supporting trauma survivors to transform their trauma, restore their nervous systems, and build resilience through the “Grounded” membership.
Angie is a moderate-to-severe brain injury, P.T.S.D., and cranial-cervical syndrome survivor. She now speaks, writes, and teaches from the wisdom gained from navigating her recovery over the last decade. She has presented internationally on invisible injuries and disabilities, mental health, the power of yoga and meditation, and health and wellness.
She is a registered 500-hour yoga teacher and a Trauma Sensitive Yoga Teacher, having trained through the Trauma Center at the Justice Resource Institute. Angie is also a Level 2 iRest® Meditation Teacher. iRest is endorsed by the U.S. Army Surgeon General and Defense Centers of Excellence as a Complementary and Alternative Medicine and has been proven effective for reducing the symptoms of P.T.S.D., anxiety, sleep difficulties, chronic pain, and more.
Angie is a contributing author to the book Anxiety Warrior II for her chapter “Yoga and Anxiety” and her writing has been featured with the Yoga and Body Image Coalition and the National Eating Disorder Association. Find her at @gentleyogainternational and and personally at and

Adam McKay, MPsych, PhD
Monash University
*Presenter Joining Remotely
Dr Adam McKay is Senior Lecturer and Researcher at the Turner Institute at Monash University and Head of Psychology at Epworth HealthCare, a leading provider of ABI rehabilitation services in Melbourne, Australia. Adam is a Clinical Neuropsychologist with years of experience in supporting patients with ABI and their families in acute and community settings. He has published widely on post traumatic amnesia (PTA) and early TBI recovery including publication of a treatment manual for occupational therapy during PTA. He is committed to establishing evidence-based interventions for people with brain injury and facilitating their translation into clinical practice.

Adrian Owen, OBE, PhD
University of Western Ontario
Adrian M. Owen OBE, PhD is currently a Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience and Imaging in the Departments of Physiology & Pharmacology and Psychology at the University of Western Ontario, Canada. He also directs the Brain, Mind, and Consciousness program funded by the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) and is on the Executive Committee of the CFREF funded initiative BrainsCAN at the University of Western Ontario, Canada. Dr. Owen was previously the Assistant Director of the Medical Research Council Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit at Cambridge University and the Canada Excellence Research Chair in Cognitive Neuroscience and Imaging at Western University. His research combines structural and functional neuroimaging with neuropsychological studies of brain-injured patients and has been published in many of the world’s leading scientific journals, including Science, Nature, The New England Journal of Medicine and Lancet. Adrian Owen is best known for showing that functional neuroimaging can reveal conscious awareness in some patients who appear to be entirely vegetative and can even allow some of these individuals to communicate their thoughts and wishes to the outside world. These findings have attracted widespread media attention on TV, radio, in print and online and have been the subject of many TV and radio documentaries. Dr. Owen has played multiple editorial roles, including 9 years as Deputy Editor of The European Journal of Neuroscience. He has published over 360 peer-reviewed articles and chapters and a best-selling popular science book ‘Into the Gray Zone: A Neuroscientist Explores the Border Between Life and Death. Dr. Owen was recently awarded Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (OBE) in the Queen’s Honors List, 2019, for services to scientific research.

Joanne Perold
Agile Coach, Trainer, and Facilitator, The Remote Coaches
Joanne is a globally acclaimed Agile Coach, trainer, keynote speaker and facilitator. She’s held senior leadership roles for many years and uses this experience in her work with executives. She leverages her deep understanding of complexity and systems thinking to bring holistic perspectives to the organisations she partners with. She also has one of the cutest (and possibly neediest) lab cross ridgeback who adds a little extra sunshine to calls with Jo.
Joanne is also a founder of a consultancy, Faethem, that trains, coaches and supports leaders from all different contexts.
Deirdre Reddick, BA
Chair, Kingston Chapter of WomenatthecentrE
Deirdre Reddick is committed to advocating for women survivors of gender-based violence through educating and improving practices of social institutions. She is a founding member of Kingston Anti-Violence Advocacy Committee and the Chair of the Kingston chapter of WomenatthecentrE, a unique non-profit organization that was created for survivors of gender-based violence, by survivors. Deirdre has had the privilege of participating in various public talks, conferences, and training initiatives on the lived experience of gender-based violence, with a particular interest in the intersection of acquired brain injury and intimate partner violence. She currently works as a frontline counsellor assisting fellow survivors of gender-based violence navigate through their journey of empowerment.

Matthew Sutton, BA, LL.B, JD
Personal Injury Lawyer, Thomson Rogers
Matt’s practice focuses on personal injury litigation.
Before joining Thomson Rogers in 2019, Matt was a partner of a well-respected insurance defence firm and practiced exclusively in the area of insurance defence litigation for over a decade. His practice included all areas of insurance litigation, including first and third party claims and disputes between insurers such as loss transfer and priority disputes.
Matt’s change in focus stems from his desire to help people receive the compensation they need to aide in their recovery.
Matt’s experience includes, but is not limited to, motor vehicle accidents, slip & falls, fire loss and injury, product liability, and commercial host and occupier’s liability claims involving all levels of injury including catastrophic claims.
Matt has experience in all facets of the litigation and statutory accident benefit claims process: from the moment someone is unfortunately injured, through the commencement of their claim and/or application, right up until resolution or hearing. He regularly appears before the Ontario Superior Court of Justice and the License Appeal Tribunal.
Matt also acts on behalf of lawyers and paralegals in regulatory proceedings before the Law Society Tribunal.

Laura Wolford, PhD, MS, CCC-SLP, CSE
Assistant Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders, Massachusetts General Hospital Institute of Health Professions
Laura Wolford, PhD, MS, CCC-SLP, CSE is a speech-language pathologist, researcher, and AASECT-certified sex educator. Her primary goal is to teach SLPs how to address sexual health with their clients.
As founder of the SPICE Institute, Dr. Wolford teaches speech-language pathologists and other healthcare professionals to address sexual health head-on. She provides workshops to teach how to bring up the topic of sex, how to address intimacy goals, and how to hold space for our clients.
Returning Registrant
November 3-4, 2022
Online registration closes Oct 31 at midnight
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CF Toronto Eaton Centre,
525 Bay Street,
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416-597-3422 x3448
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