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2025 Annual General Meeting - Day 2

Time Event Location/Presenters
7:30 to 8:45 a.m. Hot Buffet Breakfast Grand Hall D
9:00 a.m. Meeting Call to Order
Egg Donation Program Announcement
Dan Veldman
Vice Chair, EFO
Keynote Speaker: The Future of Agriculture Damian Mason
The Business of Ag
Speaker - Author - Podcaster
10:30 a.m. Energy Break
Digesting Data: Insights into Canadian Consumer Behaviour, Trends, and Attitudes in Egg Consumption Natalie Rumscheidt
Director of Marketing & Nutrition, EFC
Navigating a New Political Climate Jason Lietaer
President, Enterprise Canada
Open Session & Other Business
Closing Remarks & Adjournment Scott Helps
12:00 to 1:00 p.m. Buffet Lunch Grand Hall D
Pullet Growers Session Alvin Brunsveld
Pullet Director, EFO

For more information

Egg Farmers of Ontario
1-800-387-8360 ext 253

Event Information

March 24-26, 2025

Fallsview Casino Resort
6380 Fallsview Avenue
Niagara Falls, ON L2G 7X5
Phone: 1-888-325-5788