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*full biographies of the workshop leaders can be found on the Speakers page

Friday, September 29th, 2023 from 17:30-19:00 EDT - In-Person
Looking to Recover: An Experiential Guided Tour at the Art Gallery of Ontario (Max 15 people)

The arts are a key to the sensitive and humane practice of medicine. Enjoy -- and learn from — reflecting and sharing perspectives as we look together at art. This session introduces attendees to the community-making magic of intentional observation. Led by a specialist art-based medical education and therapeutic workshops, the session will address attendees’ needs for a refreshing, stimulating and engaging experience at the Art Gallery of Ontario. No art experience needed.

Facilitated by: Eva-Marie Stern (RP, MA, Harvard Fellow | Psychotherapy, Art Therapy, Supervision, Consultation | Adjunct Faculty Dept of Psychiatry U of T)

Saturday, Sept 30th, 2023 from 13:45-15:15 EDT - In-Person
Relational Practice: An Experiential and Reflective Workshop (Max 30 people)

Through reflective discussion and experiential exercises, this workshop will encourage delegates to explore how to grow close, connected, emotionally containing relationships on the neonatal unit, from two perspectives. First we will consider the psychological needs of parents and how we can support these through our interactions and communication with families. Second we will consider the psychological needs of staff: neonatal FiCare can feel hard and emotionally demanding. We will explore ways staff can sustain themselves in this work.

Facilitated by: Davy Evans (Lead Psychologist | West Midlands Neonatal Operational Delivery Network)

Event Date & Time

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Event Location:

Peter Gilgan Centre for Research and Learning
686 Bay Street
Toronto, ON M5G 0A4
Located beside The Hospital for Sick Children


See Venue and Accommodation page for details

Information & Assistance:

Conference Services

UHN Conference Services does not issue letters of invitation to international delegates. Administrative fees will apply to cancelled registrations.

FICare Website