About FMWC

I am super excited to host you for the 2023 Educational Conference and Annual General Meeting for the Federation of Medical Women of Canada. The theme of this year's conference is HEALTH ADVOCATES: Creating Connections, Synergizing Energies. For many, including female physicians, medical students and resident physicians, it has been a challenging few years navigating a pandemic, health system challenges and our personal lives. We are looking forward to getting together with colleagues to discuss our on-going challenges, learn how to maintain our wellness (where we can) and how to better advocate for women and girls.
The Federation of Medical Women of Canada has a deep history of advocating for the management of women's health issues, both within Canada, but also aboard. As we approach our 100th year we are constantly revisiting our strategies to achieve our mission of being a national organization committed to the professional, social, and personal advancement of women physicians and to the promotion of the well-being of women both in the medical profession and in society at large.
We know that having time together for fun, mentorship and networking is key to our on-going success. Calgary is a vibrant city, full of beautiful trees, river pathways and excellent restaurants. We hope you will consider joining us on September 23 and 24, 2023 in Calgary, Alberta at the Hotel Arts for this conference. We have a host of exciting and inspiring speakers.
As was said by one of our founding members, Dr. Maude Abbott: “Aim at the highest and you will arrive at something above mediocrity, aim at mediocrity, and you will fall below it”. We are continuing to aim at the highest.
I am looking forward to seeing you soon!
Kimberly Williams
President Elect
Federation of Medical Women of Canada
We are looking forward to hosting our 100th Educational Conference & AGM at the Fairmont Chateau Laurier Hotel in Ottawa, ON.
The program will take place from Thursday, September 26 to Saturday, September 28, 2024.
Book your hotel accommodation at a preferred rate (Hotel Arts Calgary) - AVAILABLE ONLY UNTIL SEPTEMBER 1
For registration support, please contact:
Email: info@slsolutionsevents.ca
Phone: 647-462-1138