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Application Process

Applicants must submit a team outline of the interprofessional education (IPE) or interprofessional care/practice (IPC/IPP) initiative/project/activity that they hope to undertake at their organization.

Submission must include:

  • Title of the IPE/IPC initiative/project/activity.
  • List names, emails, organization and professions of each team member attending the program.
  • Description/outline of the IPE/IPC/IPP initiative/project/activity and how the knowledge gained by taking this program will be used to assist the team in moving the IPE/IPC/IPP initiative/project/activity forward. (minimum 250 words)
  • Interprofessional teams of two or more applicants recommended.

TIPs for Making an Educational Session more "Interprofessional"

  • Are 2 or more professions involved?
  • Does significant interactivity between participants occur?
  • Are there opportunities to learn about, from and with one another?
  • Are interprofessional teaching/learning moments discussed/addressed?

Early Bird Application Deadline: August 24, 2024

Application Deadline: September 18, 2024


Returning Applicant



November 6-8, 2024
Times in the agenda are listed in Eastern Time


Vantage Venues
150 King Street West,

For more information

Conference Services


Lynne Sinclair,
MA (AdEd), BScPT
Senior Consultant: Partnerships and Innovation, CACHE
Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Therapy,
Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto

Belinda Vilhena,
MEd (Counselling Psychology), BSc
Director, Operations & Business Development, CACHE, University of Toronto
Director, Conference Services & BMO Education & Conference Centre, University Health Network