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Application Process


Step 1: Abstract Submission

Applicants must submit a team abstract/outline of the interprofessional education (IPE) or interprofessional care (IPC) initiative/project/activity that they hope to undertake at their organization.

Abstract requirements must include:

  • Title of the IPE/IPC initiative/project/activity.
  • Names, emails, organization and professions of each team member attending the progam.
  • Description/outline of the IPE/IPC initiative/project/activity and how the knowledge gained by taking this progam will be used to assist the team in moving the IPE/IPC initiative/project/activity forward. (minimum 250 words)
  • Interprofessional teams of two or more applicants recommended.

Early Bird Application Deadline: March 6, 2019 

Application Deadline: April 8, 2019

Step 2: Acceptance

  • Applicants will be notified via email of acceptance into the program by April 15, 2019 with a unique code to use during the registration process. Applicants who submit their application by the early bird deadline will receive $100 off their registration fee.
  • Accepted applicants will register online by clicking on the Returning Registrant button and use the provided unique code to move forward in the registration process.
  • Individuals without a code will not be able to register online.
  • Travel and accommodation arrangements should not be made before receiving notification of acceptance.

Step 3: Registration

  • Registration Payment Deadline: May 10, 2019
  • Please see the “Fees” tab for details.
  • Payments may be made by VISA, MasterCard or by Cheque.
  • Registration Refund Deadline: May 24, 2019


Returning Applicant


June 17 – 21, 2019
Mon - Thur: 8:00 am - 5:30 pm
Fri: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm


Vantage Venues
150 King Street West,

For more information

Conference Services

Program Co-Directors

Ivy Oandasan,
Professor, Department of Family & Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
Academic Family Physician, Toronto Western Family Health Team
Director of Education, College of Family Physicians of Canada

Belinda Vilhena,
MEd (Counselling Psychology), BSc (Psychology & Biology)
Manager, Centre for IPE, University of Toronto
Program Manager, Continuing Professional Development, Centre for IPE, University of Toronto