Monday, June 17, 2019
Module 1 – Professional and Collaborator Roles
This module will focus on the importance of professional role understanding as an essential component for collaborative practice. Didactic presentations, facilitated discussion and small group exercises will be used. Participants will be given the opportunity to work on a framework for developing an interprofessional education initiative highlighting teaching the “collaborator” role.
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Module 2 – Collaborative Teams
This module will utilize an integration of didactic teaching, experiential team development and interpersonal interaction to illustrate the principles of effective, collaborative team functioning. A clinical case presentation by a volunteer patient and a video of a clinical case will provide an opportunity for both education and practice in action.
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Module 3 – Facilitator Skills
Through the use of didactic learning situations and hands- on activities (including DVD clip analysis and role play simulations), participants will gain skills and knowledge in Feedback and Facilitation.
Thursday, June 20, 2019
Module 4 – Change Leadership and Evaluation
Collaborative change leadership requires the careful balance of “task and process”. Through the use of reflective exercises, appreciative questioning and the use of storytelling, participants will recognize the importance of group process when attempting to promote effective teamwork and organizational change. A session on assessment and evaluation will also be provided to emphasize the importance of articulating the impact of interprofessional education and collaborative practice initiatives.
Friday, June 21, 2019
Module 5 – Putting It All Together
This module will highlight what was learned by participants in the program. Program Facilitators will be present to foster further dialogue. All participants will be expected to provide a brief presentation on an IPE project/activity that they hope to pursue. The Program Facilitators will provide feedback to them.
June 17 – 21, 2019
Mon - Thur: 8:00 am - 5:30 pm
Fri: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Vantage Venues
150 King Street West,
For more information
Conference Services
Program Co-Directors
Ivy Oandasan,
Professor, Department of Family & Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
Academic Family Physician, Toronto Western Family Health Team
Director of Education, College of Family Physicians of Canada
Belinda Vilhena,
MEd (Counselling Psychology), BSc (Psychology & Biology)
Manager, Centre for IPE, University of Toronto
Program Manager, Continuing Professional Development, Centre for IPE, University of Toronto