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Introduction: The Complex Interplay between Chronic Pain and Mental Health
Jeffrey Wieskopf, MD, FRCPC

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the societal burden of mental illness and chronic pain and recognize the overlap between these conditions
  2. Identify common psychiatric diagnoses that most commonly co-occur in those with chronic pain
  3. Appreciate the increased complexity and risk factors common to patients with comorbid chronic pain and mental health concerns

A Brief Survey of Psychological Interventions for Chronic Pain and Mental Health
Maxwell Slepian, PhD, C. Psych

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  1. Locate the development and proliferation of psychological interventions for chronic pain and mental health within historical context
  2. Identify unique and common elements of psychological interventions for chronic pain and mental health
  3. Evaluate evidence for the efficacy and effectiveness of psychological interventions for chronic pain and mental health

Mindfulness Activity: Mindfulness for Wellbeing of Providers and Patients
Orit Zamir, MD, FRCPC

At the end of the session participants will be able to:

  1. Gain experiential understanding of mindfulness practices to target provider stress
  2. Appreciate how brief mindfulness practices can be helpful in the office for both providers and patients


The Overlap with Chronic Pain and Mental Health Pharmacology
Hance Clarke, MD, FRCPC

At the end of the session participants will be able to:

  1. Understand the overlap in the use of medications for these co-morbid conditions
  2. Provide some pearls and help avoid pitfalls when prescribing the medications to the chronic pain patient

Transition Time

Workshop Session #1
The following two workshops will run concurrently.

Workshop A: ACT for Chronic Pain and Mental Wellness
Kathryn Curtis, PhD, C. Psych

At the end of the session participants will be able to:

  1. Understand the theory behind Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, including the 6 key processes, and how to apply these principles in the treatment of patients living with chronic pain and mental health challenges
  2. Integrate basic ACT techniques into regular practice to teach patients: cognitive defusion strategies for pain-related thoughts, to engage in meaningful behaviours in service of valued living, and to practice mindfulness and acceptance approaches for chronic pain management
  3. Obtain ACT resources that practitioners can provide to patients who are responding well to these initial ACT interventions and would benefit from further therapy

Workshop B: Aligning the Brain and the Body: How to Get Moving!
Brittany Rosenbloom, PhD, C.Psych and Samantha Joubert, PT

At the end of the session participants will be able to:

  1. Articulate the connection between anxiety, low mood, and movement
  2. Devise fear and movement hierarchies based on activity baselines and progressions


Psychosocial and Mental Health Considerations of Chronic Pain
Orit Zamir, MD, FRCPC

At the end of the session participants will be able to:

  1. Appreciate the impact of psychosocial factors and mental health comorbidities
  2. Gain confidence engaging in a psychosocial and psychiatric screening
  3. Develop management plan to target mental health comorbidities

Workshop C: Communicating Effectively with Chronic Pain Patients: Responding with Empathy to Build Strong Relationships
Molly McCarthy, PhD, C. Psych and Rachel Siegal PhD, C. Psych

At the end of the session participants will be able to:

  1. Learn validation and empathic communication strategies to build rapport with chronic pain patients to enhance their satisfaction, treatment adherence, and clinical outcomes
  2. Effectively respond to patient distress during clinical encounters and apply distress tolerance skills from Dialectical Behaviour Therapy to educate patients with chronic pain experiencing acute emotional distress


Unpacking the Complex Relationship Between Pain and Trauma: A Path Towards Healing
Brittany Rosenbloom, PhD, C.Psych

At the end of the session participants will be able to:

  1. Estimate the prevalence of trauma and trauma-related symptoms in a chronic pain population
  2. Identify the proposed theory for the connection between chronic pain and trauma
  3. Differentiate between trauma-informed, trauma treatment, and combined treatment for trauma and chronic pain

Living with Pain: A Panel Discussion Around Barriers to Accessing Care from Both a Clinician and a Patient Perspective
Issac Odame, MD, FRCPC and Serena Thompson

At the end of the session participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the key features of Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) and the different types of pain patients with SCD experience
  2. Summarize available treatment options for managing pain in SCD
  3. Examine the barriers patients with SCD face when accessing treatment for pain

Closing Remarks & Program Evaluation

Date & Time

Friday April 25, 2025
9am-4:10pm Eastern Day Light Time

Note: In person attendees should arrive by 8:30 am to register and find a seat prior to the 9am start


Event Location

BMO Conference Centre at UHN’s Toronto Western Hospital
60 Leonard Ave, Toronto

Zoom Webinar
A link will be sent via email the week of the event.

Information & Assistance

Conference Services