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Call for Abstracts for May 26th 

It is our pleasure to invite you to feature the exciting research you are working on by submitting an abstract for the Ajmera Transplant Centre’s Second Annual Education and Research Conference to by April 11, 2023.

The Ajmera Transplant Centre’s Second Annual Education and Research Conference being held on Friday, May 26th, 2023 is designed for Physicians, Surgeons, Scientists, Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, Pharmacists and Allied Health Professionals interested in basic, translational and clinical research at Ajmera Transplant Centre.

The conference will be a hybrid event similar to what we had done last year – only bigger and better! We will highlight state‐of‐the‐art research performed at the Ajmera Transplant Centre, and have designed the program to be interactive with discussions stemming from the presentations given during the conference. The audience this year will not only consist of Transplant respirologists, hepatologists, cardiologists, nephrologists, surgeons, infectious disease physicians and nursing teams, but we will also include primary care and specialist physicians who care for transplant patients in the community.

You can submit your abstract under the BASIC SCIENCE or CLINICAL SCIENCE category (includes education and QI). Top abstracts will be selected for oral presentations, and prizes will be awarded to the top three Basic science and Clinical science abstracts. There is no limit to the number of submissions of abstracts by a single investigator. Recently submitted abstracts from international meetings/conferences are also welcome.

Please review the guidelines for submitting your abstract under the “Call for Abstracts” tab, and please be sure to submit by April 11, 2023 at midnight. We are truly delighted to invite you to attend this exciting event and register today!

Please email the abstracts to Ashley Ramalho

Abstract Guidelines

Use a concise title that summarizes the content of the abstract. Capitalize the first letter of each word except for prepositions, articles and species names.

Subject Category
Please submit under the categories of Basic Science and Clinical Science.

Key Words
Choose one to three key words

Enter complete author(s) names (example: John S. Doe, MD). Include the name, degree, institution, city, state and country of all authors and author groups.

Abstract Text /Figures
Describe the relevance of the research using background, methods, results and conclusions. The abstract character limit is 1950 (spaces are not counted). Title and authors do not count against the 1950-character limit. Figures are accepted and they do not count towards character limit. There isn’t a maximum allowed resolution for figures. Acceptable file types for images are .gif, .jpg and .png. Colour images are allowed. Please provide high resolution images.

Contact Information
Provide all pertinent contact information to ensure that correspondence is received promptly and accurately. You must specify one “presenting author”. Notifications will be sent to the presenting author only.

Changes/modifications, including author and affiliation changes, are allowed for submitted abstracts until the abstract submission deadline: April 11, 2023. Changes to submitted abstracts will not be possible after the submission deadline.

Event Date:

May 25, 2023 (virtual only)

  • Virtual (Zoom)

May 26, 2023 (in person only)

  • Victoria University in the University of Toronto, 91 Charles St W (Vic Building)

Information & Assistance:

Conference Services

We do not issue letters of invitation to international delegates. Administrative fees will apply to cancelled registrations.