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Invited Speakers

Michael Alosco

Dr. Michael Alosco

Clinical Neuropsychologist

Boston University, USA

Paul van Donkelaar

Dr. Paul van Donkelaar

Clinical Neuroscientist

University of BC, Canada

Carrie Esopenko

Dr. Carrie Esopenko


Mount Sinai New York, USA

John J. Leddy

Dr. John J. Leddy

Sports Medicine Physician

University of Buffalo, USA

Jennie Ponsford

Dr. Jennie Ponsford


Monash University, Australia

Hugh Scully

Dr. Hugh Scully

Medical Director

Canadian Grand Prix, Toronto, Canada

Allen Sills

Dr. Allen Sills

Neurosurgeon, NFL Chief Medical Officer

Vanderbilt University, USA

Willie Stewart

Dr. Willie Stewart


University of Glasgow, UK

Anna Maria Tremonti

Anna Maria Tremonti


Public Forum Panel Moderator, Toronto, Canada

Date & Time

Friday May 23, 2025
Times in the program will be in Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)


Hybrid Event
Virtual: Zoom link to be sent via email prior to event

In Person: BMO Education & Conference Centre, Toronto Western Hospital

More Information

Conference Services

Canadian Concussion Centre Website

Click here to visit the CCC website

Concussion Annual Public Forum

Click here for more information about the Public Forum and to Register