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Depression is one of the most common psychiatric disorders affecting more than 7% of the Canadian population annually. It remains a pervasive challenge affecting individuals, families, and healthcare providers, with its prevalence continuing to escalate. Addressing the multifaceted aspects of depression care is essential for improving patient outcomes and enhancing the well-being of those affected.

Hosted by UHN’s Poul Hansen Family Centre for Depression, the “Clinical Advances in Depression Care” interactive one-day, virtual, educational event will offer an overview of innovative interventions and treatments, providing insights into emerging approaches and evidence-based practices.

Through engaging presentations and interactive workshops, participants will explore such topics as:

  • Integrating the newly updated CANMAT (Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments) guidelines for enhanced pharmacotherapy and neurostimulation interventions.
  • Examining the versatility of dialectical behavioral therapy in treating depression and various mental health conditions beyond borderline personality disorder.
  • Assessing the impact of sleep disorders on mood, and treatments for sleep disorders affecting depression.
  • Exploring psychotherapeutic approaches tailored to address depressive symptoms.
  • Effective strategies for distinguishing between sadness and depression and managing low mood in medically ill patients.
  • Appreciating and Implementing mindfulness-based interventions for individuals suffering from depression.

Through a series of lectures, workshops, and breakout discussions, participants will gain invaluable knowledge and skills to enhance their clinical practice and optimize patient care. Don't miss this opportunity to connect with peers, expand your expertise, and contribute to the advancement of depression care.

This event is generously supported by the Poul and Susan Hansen Family Foundation.

Target Audience

No prior knowledge or background is necessary to attend and benefit from this educational event. Presentations and workshops will be particularly relevant to healthcare providers involved in assessing, treating, or interacting with patients experiencing depression, or providers interested in enhancing their understanding and treatment of the complexities within depression care. Clinicians from a variety of health disciplines are encouraged to attend, including:

  • Family Physicians (or primary care practitioners)
  • Psychiatrists
  • Social Workers
  • Psychologists
  • Occupational Therapists (and Physical Therapists and Rehab Specialists)
  • Mental Health Clinicians
  • Nurses and Nurse Practitioners
  • Registered Psychotherapists
  • Spiritual Care Providers and Chaplains
  • Trainees from any of these disciplines

Learning Objectives

Overall Course

At the end of the seminar, participants will be able to:

  1. Apply the newly updated CANMAT guidelines for pharmacotherapy and neurostimulation to their clinical practice.
  2. Appreciate and incorporate psychotherapy modalities such as dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT) and mindfulness based cognitive therapy (MBCT) for depressive symptoms.
  3. Identify and manage depressive symptoms in the medically unwell population.


Returning Registrant


Friday May 31, 2024
9:00 am - 3:25 pm


Event Location

Zoom Webinar
A link will be sent via email the week of the event

Information & Assistance

Conference Services