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Education Materials

Education materials are provided for Global CALM Sites and are intended for self-directed learning for Global CALM clinicians completing therapist or supervision certification. Materials can be used during supervision, in a group setting, or independently. Materials are for educational purposes only. Content is not to be shared or copied.

CALM Patient Quotes

Provides a summary of themes and quotes on what patients have found useful from CALM therapy from the qualitative paper by Nissim (2012).

CALM Publications List

A full list of CALM publications from Canada and internationally. The list includes links to open access papers and abstracts.

CALM Therapy Chapter

Chapter from Psycho-Oncology providing an overview of the theoretical content of CALM and CALM processes.

The Four Domains of CALM

Provides a brief overview of each of the domains of CALM with exploratory questions therapists can use in CALM sessions with patients.

Global CALM Process Map

Information sheet providing an overview of the Global CALM Program, and explains the steps sites will take in clinical and research implementation.

Levels of Implementation

Information sheet providing an overview of the requirements for each level of implementation.

Case Vignettes

CALM case scenarios intended for practice and discussion among groups of CALM therapists.

CALM Workshop

We are planning exciting online courses to replace our previously scheduled in-person workshops. More information will be posted here soon.

