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System Notification

  • Registration has closed.
Modify / Add to an existing registration


Full registration ($435) includes:

  • The Fellows’ Showcase, Welcome reception, and lunch (May 27); all sessions, breaks, and luncheons (May 28 and 29); and the Gala and Induction Dinner (May 28).

Basic registration ($285) includes:

  • The Fellows’ Showcase, Welcome reception, and lunch (May 27), and all sessions, breaks, and luncheons (May 28 and 29). The Gala and Induction Dinner is not included.

Gala and Induction Dinner (May 28)

  • $170.00 per person

Lunch (May 27)

  • Registration required but included in any registration.

Contact Information

Nancy Cardin

Organizing Committee

CAE Staff

Robert Crawhall
Chris Frantz
Nancy Cardin

Conference Chairs

Jesse Zhu (
Catherine Karakatsanis

Program / Activity Chairs

Jesse Zhu
Andy Hrymak
Ying Zheng (