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System Notification

  • Registration has closed.

Thank you for your interest in the Brian D. Hodges Symposium.  Registration is now closed.  Please contact UHN Conference Services at if you need assistance.

The Brian D. Hodges Symposium celebrates Dr. Brian D. Hodges’ continuing contributions to health professions education research. Dr. Hodges, Director of the Wilson Centre from 2003-2011, is currently the Executive Vice-President of Education at the University Health Network and a Scientist at The Wilson Centre.

By bringing together the community of health professions education researchers, educators, scholars and students, we aim to motivate attendees to think beyond the boundaries of their current work and look for points of intersection with the research of others. The symposium provides a rare opportunity for in-depth discussion of the theory and practice of education. Attendees will enjoy invited presentations from global leaders in health professions education and the next generation of education scientists and scholars.

Date & Time

Thursday May 16, 2024
9am - 12pm EDT
*earlier arrival for onsite attendees

Event Location

Hybrid from BMO Education & Conference Centre
Last minute registrants will find the Zoom link in their confirmation email.  


This is a free event

Program Information

Cheryl Ku

Technical Assistance

Conference Services