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The Partnership Conference - Calgary

Dates: Tuesday, May 27th and Wednesday, May 28th, 2025
Location: The Calgary Zoo: Safari Lodge
1300 Zoo Road NE
Calgary, AB

Thank you for your interest in attending The Partnership Conference - Calgary,taking place LIVE IN PERSON on Tuesday, May 27th and Wednesday, May 28th, 2025.

Registration Fees:

Early Bird
(available to January 25th to March 28th, 2025)
$865.00 plus GST
Standard Rate
(as of March 29th, 2025)
$935.00 plus GST
1/2 table of 4

Table of 8
$3,460.00 plus GST

$6,920.00 plus GST

Cancellation Policy:

Registrants may request a refund of their purchase (less an administrative fee of $100 plus GST) no later than April 15th, 2025. After this date, all purchases are non-refundable.

Please click on the "Register" button below to register.



S & L Solutions
Phone: 647-462-1138