Set it to true by right-clicking and pressing toggle.
Internet Explorer
On the Tools menu, click Internet Options, then click the Security tab.
Click the Internet Zone.
If you do not have to customize your Internet security settings, click Default Level. Then do step 4.
If you have to customize your Internet security settings, follow these steps:
a. Click Custom Level.
b. In the Security Settings - Internet Zone dialog box, click Enable for Active Scripting in the Scripting section.
Click the Back button to return to the previous page, and then click the Refresh button to run scripts.
In the Chrome address bar, type chrome://settings/content/javascript.
D.E. Systems' myConferenceSuite Registration System is responsible for personal information under its control. Collection of personal information by myConferenceSuite will be limited to what is necessary for the purposes of registration for the event.
When we use trusted third parties to act on our behalf by performing such functions as processing credit card payments, contractual or other appropriate means are used to ensure compliance by such third parties with this Policy and all applicable privacy laws.
Personal information will not be used or disclosed for purposes other than those for which it was collected, to process the registration data to a given event.
We will keep your personal information as accurate, complete and up-to-date as necessary for the purposes for which it is to be used.
The Policy is subject to PIPEDA and/or any other applicable privacy laws and myConferenceSuite reserves the right to change it at any time.
Exhibitor Terms and Conditions
Assignment of Space and Setup/Breakdown - ASADS will assign exhibit space based on the chosen booth location during registration. Once space is approved, an exhibit may be moved only with the mutual consent of ASADS and the specified exhibitor. Refer to the registration form and confirmation email for setup/breakdown dates/times.
Cancellations - Cancellations must be received in writing by ASADS on or before March 1, 2025 to receive 80% of the exhibitor fee. No refunds will be made after March 1, 2025.
Cancellation or Relocation of Meeting - If cancellation or relocation of meeting is due to circumstances within ASADS's control, ASADS's liability will be limited to a refund of exhibition registration fees paid by the exhibitor. If ASADS has no control over the cancellation or relocation, ASADS will have no liability of any kind, but may, at its discretion, refund any fees paid by the exhibitors.
Care of Exhibit Space - Exhibitors must maintain and keep their exhibit space in good order, at their expense.
Default Occupancy - An exhibitor who fails to occupy contracted space is not relieved of the obligation to pay for such space at the full rental price, and ASADS shall have the right to use that space. ASADS does not assume any liability for loss or damage to any equipment or supplies displayed at the exhibition.
Distribution of Printed Material - Distribution of materials by exhibitors or their agents is limited to the area rented by the exhibitor. Flyers or other printed material may NOT be delivered to hotel rooms of ASADS registrants without permission from ASADS. Any costs for such authorized distribution shall be the sole responsibility of the exhibitor. Other than the above, advertising circulars, brochures, swag, etc. may only be distributed from exhibit booths and may not be placed in any meeting room or in the ASADS registration area, or outside the Conference Center.
Food or Beverage in Exhibitor Booths - No alcoholic beverages or tobacco products of any type may be sold or distributed from an exhibitor booth. Food may be distributed (not sold) upon approval from Conference Center and ASADS.
Liability - ASADS does not assume any responsibility for the protection or safety of the exhibitor, its official agents, or employees. ASADS does not assume any responsibility for the protection of property of the exhibitor or their representatives, or of the property used in connection with the exhibit, from theft, damage, or destruction. Small or easily portable articles shall be properly secured or removed after exhibit hours and placed in safekeeping by the exhibitor. The exhibitor agrees to hold ASADS harmless from all such claims and claims of liability of any kind arising from the activities of the exhibitors, its representatives, or from the display or use of property of the exhibitor. ASADS shall not be liable for the exhibitor for failure to provide space to an exhibitor if, where through no fault of ASADS, non-delivery is due to destruction to the building or the exhibit space.
Payment - Payment in full is required with a completed application for exhibit space. A completed form and payment must be received by March 1, 2025 to ensure inclusion in the final program. Exhibitors are responsible for making arrangements for special equipment and services with the exhibition services provider.
Protection of Exhibit Space - Nothing shall be posted, tacked, nailed, screwed, or otherwise attached to columns, walls, floors, or other parts of the Conference Center without the permission of ASADS and/ or a representative of the Conference Center. Packing, unpacking, and assembly or exhibits shall be done in designated areas and conform to instructions of ASADS or Conference Center representatives.
Removal of Exhibits by ISPE - ASADS has the right to prohibit, bar, prevent and remove any exhibit or proposed exhibit, or any part or portion thereof, which in the judgment of ASADS is unsuitable or inappropriate for the exhibition. Such right shall extend to, but shall not be limited to, all equipment, materials, displays, installations or other items or things consisting of, part of, or used or distributed in connection with such exhibit. The punitive actions, as identified in this Section, may be taken against companies that are determined by ASADS to have violated any provision of these rules and regulations.
Selling of Products or Services - All transactions must be conducted in a manner consistent with the professional nature of the event.
Violation of Condition - The following actions shall constitute a violation of Conditions of the Exhibitor Agreement: 1) violation of any municipal, provincial, state, or national laws, rules, or regulations, including safety codes; and 2) failure to abide by this agreement.
NOTE - Our experience has shown that often the person(s) who staff the booth and the person(s) who reserve the booth are not the same. Please ensure that whoever is on-site is aware of the listed Terms and Agreement listed above.