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System Notification

  • Registration has closed.


Welcome to the Toronto ABI Network Conference taking place December 5 & 6th, 2024 at the Beanfield Centre, Exhibition Place, 105 Princes' Blvd, Toronto.  Registration for this event is now closed.  Please contact if you need assistance. 

Our conference is a multi-track event featuring sessions that appeal to the many professionals working with individuals who have sustained a brain injury, as well as survivors and family members living with the effects of brain injury. Our aim is to provide you with opportunities to reflect on the advances that have benefited the lives of individuals living with a brain injury and to look towards the future direction of research, resources, clinical practice and personal journeys.

Click on the items in the menu bar above to explore more information about the conference.

Returning Registrant


December 5 & 6, 2024
Online registration closes Nov 29 at midnight


Beanfield Centre
Exhibition Place
105 Princes' Blvd
Toronto, ON M6K 3C3


Click here to learn more about the Toronto ABI Network


Conference Services

We do not issue letters of invitation to international delegates. Administrative fees will apply to cancelled registrations.