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Please Continue to Review Process
Are you a CFA member? *Required
Registration Rate *Required

Registrant Information

* Fields marked with an asterisk are required.

confirm the email address here

Special Dietary Requirements *Required
Bring a companion or spouse by purchasing a ticket for the Gala Dinner or register your companion to attend all receptions and Gala dinner. Partner tickets cannot be used for colleagues

If you wish to purchase an additional ticket, please click Add.

Remaining: 99999

Add Ticket(s)
Some tickets will need to be deleted. Continue?


Permission *Required

I give confirmation to the Canadian Ferry Association to share my contact information in accordance with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), with Forum Participants and Sponsors.

Terms and Conditions *Required


Halifax Marriott Harboufront Hotel

1919 Upper Water Street

Halifax NS B3J 3J5

Sponsorship/Exhibitor Opportunities

Click here for more details


Full Registration Includes

Welcome Reception September 8
All sessions, breakfast, lunch, breaks and cocktail Reception on September 9
All sessions, breakfast, lunch, breaks and pre-dinner Reception and Gala Dinner on September 10

CFA Members - Full Registration

$715.00 *early bird rate until Monday, April 29th, 2024

$815.00 as of Tuesday, April 30th, 2024

Non-Member- Full Registration

$825.00 *early bird rate until Monday, April 29th, 2024

$925.00  as of Tuesday, April 30th, 2024

Partner Tickets (only available for your companion - not for colleagues)

$360.00 includes three receptions and Gala Dinner only.

Additional Gala Dinner Ticket

$175.00 includes pre-dinner reception and Gala dinner on September 10

Contact Information
