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Please Continue to Review Process

Please use a private email address to register, as government, work, and NATO email systems often block ZOOM links, which may prevent access to the conference.

Warrior Care in the 21st Century

Registration Type *Required
Military, Veteran or Civilian? *Required
Professional Interest (select all that apply) *Required

If you require accommodation in order to fully participate in this virtual live stream conference on Zoom, please contact

Registration Terms and Conditions *Required

Privacy Statement
We are committed to protecting the privacy of all personal data you provide for the purpose of this virtual conference registration.

The registration information is collected under the authority of Canadian Forces Health Services for the purpose of Warrior Care Conference registration and will be used for post-conference internal planning and analysis. It may also be shared with third parties for the purpose of administering virtual access to the event.

Registration Terms and Conditions *Required

Privacy Statement
We are committed to protecting the privacy of all personal data you provide for the purpose of this virtual conference registration.

The registration information is collected under the authority of Canadian Forces Health Services for the purpose of Warrior Care Conference registration and will be used for post-conference internal planning and analysis. It may also be shared with third parties for the purpose of administering virtual access to the event.

Authorization for Photography, Audio/Video, and Reproductions
By registering for and/or speaking at the Warrior Care Conference 2025, you authorize use of photographs and/or audio/video materials of the event without further explicit authorization. The materials are intended for promotional, educational, administrative, and information purposes only. If you have objections to the use of your photographs and/or audio/video materials, please contact the Registration Coordinator by email at

Contact Information

If you need assistance with registration, please contact the Registration Coordinator by email at

WCC home page