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Event Information

CHF Canada is offering three exciting virtual education workshops for co-ops across Canada. Join us in February, March and April for in-depth discussions on important issues for co-operatives.Registration is available for any combination of workshops offered!

Feb 22, 1:00-3:00pm EST

International year of Co-operatives: Exploring principle 6 - co-operation among co-operatives

In this workshop participants will learn about the wide variety in types of co-ops and what brings them together: the International Statement of Cooperative Identity. We will discuss Co-op Principle 6: co-operation among co-ops. Through a series of exercises and a panel discussion, we will explore the different ways that co-ops assert their co-op identity and we will brainstorm how you can strengthen and develop your own co-op by leaning into your co-op identity.

Facilitators: Vera Goussaert, Executive DIrector, Manitoba Co-op Association.

Vera is the Executive Director of MCA, an organization created by its members to enhance and support the development of a strong, united and influential co-operative community in Manitoba, a position she has held since 2005. Before her time with MCA, Vera worked in the credit union system and as a co-op developer in Manitoba and in Ghana, Africa. Passionate about co-ops, Vera has also volunteered her time both locally and abroad, with co-ops and non-profits supporting the co-operative community. Vera holds a Master of Science in Economy, Risk and Society from the London School of Economics and a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Manitoba. Vera is proud to call Winnipeg home and enjoys spending time outdoors in her garden.

Brett Crawford, NorWest Co-op Community Health,

Evan Proven, Sun Certified Builders Multi-Stakeholder Co-op

March 22, 1:00-3:00pm EST

Messy human dramas: balancing legal obligations & community needs

How do you deal with sticky situations in your co-op? When human rights trumps all, how do you make decisions that are consistent with the co-op's legal obligations but also make as much sense as possible for the community? Celia will take us through a number of scenarios to help hone our decision-making skills for those times when things are truly messy.

Facilitator: Celia Chandler

Celia has worked for nearly two decades in the affordable housing sector, first as a lawyer in a small Toronto law firm and now as the Deputy Executive Director of the Co-operative Housing Federation of Toronto (CHFT).

Celia shares her experience and knowledge with housing organizations and individual housing providers in an engaging and interactive way.

April 23, 6:00-8:00pm EST

Are you REALLY ready for change?

Housing co-ops can make the most of new opportunities and respond to challenges if they are able to adapt and grow as circumstances change. Change is the answer, but change can involve risk and that makes people uncomfortable and reluctant. Attend this webinar to: 

1. find out about the five key reasons that change initiatives fail, and how to avoid them,

2. prepare your co-op to move through change with more ease,

3. use the dynamic force of change to improve community engagement,

4. improve the success of your local change initiatives.

Facilitator: Sonia Byrne

Sonia is a curriculum designer, facilitator, trainer and coach. She bridges her corporate background with her ongoing study of mindful leadership best practices for the workplace. She regularly conducts professional strategy sessions with client teams and speaks at conferences, retreats and public events. Sonia is often called into organizations to untangle the puzzle of conflict, motivation and engagement through mindful leadership principles and practices. Helping clients to explore their own inner wisdom to call forth the possibilities for change and a new perspective has been her life’s work for over 20 years. 


CHF Canada Member Non-member
First registrant $50 per workshop $100 per workshop
Additional registrant $35 per workshop

Questions? Please contact

Deirdre Bain
Co-ordinator, Education Program
Phone: 613.230.2085