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  1. In the FireFox address bar, type about:config.
  2. Look for the javascript.enabled setting.
  3. Set it to true by right-clicking and pressing toggle.

Internet Explorer

  1. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options, then click the Security tab.
  2. Click the Internet Zone.
  3. If you do not have to customize your Internet security settings, click Default Level. Then do step 4.
  4. If you have to customize your Internet security settings, follow these steps:
    a. Click Custom Level.
    b. In the Security Settings - Internet Zone dialog box, click Enable for Active Scripting in the Scripting section.
  5. Click the Back button to return to the previous page, and then click the Refresh button to run scripts.


  1. In the Chrome address bar, type chrome://settings/content/javascript.
  2. Adjust the toggle so that javascript is allowed.
  3. Close the Settings tab and Refresh the page.


UHN Observership Application Requirements

Before you complete the online application form, please ensure you have the following prepared for upload:

  1. Observership Authorized Guest Agreement. Be sure to have both sponsor and signing authority signatures
  2. UHN Confidentiality Agreement 2016
  3. Current copy of your Curriculum Vitae
  4. Current photo of yourself
  5. Proof of completion of Privacy eLearning Module (screen shot or photo of the attestation form)
  6. Orientation Module: You must pass the quiz at the end of the module and upload screenshot of your passing score
  7. Three observation goals
  8. Sponsor details (name, email, phone, role, department)
  9. Proof of Student Enrollment (only applicable to Students enrolled in a UHN affiliated institution). If unsure of your school's affiliation, contact prior to beginning the registration.



Observership Fee

Days Cost
1-6 Days $150.00
7-30 Days $275.00
31-90 Days $400.00
Affiliated Student
(Proof of enrollment will be required)
Late Fee
(applications received within 20 days of observership start date)

For more information

Observership Coordinator
416-340-4800 ext. 2665