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Please Continue to Review Process

Sponsorship Opportunities

Organization Information

If so, which year(s) were you a sponsor?

Social Media

Company Logo *Required

Primary Contact

Contact details for sponsorship primary contact

Secondary Contact

If the primary contact will not be coordinating your participation in 2024 Infoway Partnership Conference, please enter the details for a secondary contact below to ensure your organization receives all information.

Terms & Conditions


Cancellation of sponsorship must be received by or prior to October 20, 2024, is subject to an administrative fee of 25% of the total cost due under the Agreement. No refund of any payment received by Canada Health Infoway will be made if a cancellation of sponsorship occurs after October 20, 2024. Refunds, where applicable, shall be made without interest.

Sponsorship Questions?
Please contact Emilia J. Kim or 437-332-4828

General Questions?
Please contact our conference staff at