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South Western Ontario Fall Regional Education Event
Saturday, November 9th, 2024 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Registration: 8:30 am – 9:00 am
Best Western Plus Lamplighter Inn & Conference Centre, 591 Wellington Road South, London ON


Time Activity Location
8:30-9:00am Registration
9:00-10:00am Opening plenary Crystal Ballroom South
10:00-10:15am Break Crystal Ballroom South
10:15am-12:15pm Morning workshops Cambridge, Canterbury, Royal Palm
12:15-1:30pm Lunch Crystal Ballroom South
1:30-3:30pm Afternoon workshops Cambridge, Canterbury, Royal Palm

Morning Workshops: (Choose 1 of 3)

  1. First things first - Getting a solid start on/with a new board of directors
    What are the important things every new director needs to know? How can a co-op manager support new directors in gaining this knowledge? In this workshop we will discuss why Board Orientations are critical to the success of any Board and how managers can support new directors by ensuring they get started on a solid foundation.
  2. Approving members vs. filling units
    Vacancy loss creates serious financial problems. We also know that filling units with applicants who don't want to be contributing members of a co-op can create serious community problems. In this workshop we will explore ways to ensure we fill units with new members who are willing to accept the responsibilities of membership. The content in this workshop will apply to all housing co-ops, including HSA co-ops.
  3. All things new (and not so new) about elections
    The laws that govern how we conduct elections in housing co-ops in Ontario changed on October 1, 2023. IN this session we will discuss those changes and how to plan and conduct great elections at your co-op.

Afternoon workshops: (Choose 1 of 3)

  1. The Dream Team - Governance and management working well together
    In this workshop we will be looking at ways that the board of directors and management can ensure they are each focused on their own role, working together as a team that respects and trusts each other. We will discuss the difference between the roles of governance and management to ensure everyone stays in their own lane to achieve the success the co-op is striving for.
  2. Preparing for the End of Mortgage (for HSA co-ops)
    When a co-op governed by the HSA pays off their mortgage, they enter a new phase in the life of the co-op. In this session you will learn what changes and what stays the same for the co-op. We will discuss service & exit agreements and how to negotiate a good agreement that sets a sound foundation for the future of your co-op.
  3. Conflict of interest - a solutions journey
    In this workshop we will use case studies to understand types of conflict of interest and the procedures to follow if you find yourself in a conflict of interest situation. Is the conflict of interest actual or perceived? Does it make a difference? Is it a manageable or prohibited conflict of interest? These questions and more will be answered as we take a journey to find solutions to conflict of interest situations.

Registration fees:

Registration type
CHF Canada Members
Early bird by October 25th, 2024
Regular after October 25th, 2024
First participant
Additional participants
Young member (35 & under)
free - after first member registration
free - after first member registration



Deirdre Bain, Education Program Coordinator

Denise McGahan, Program Manager, Co-op & Planning Services, Southwestern Ontario, CHF Canada
519.453.0999 / 800.644.3949