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Please Continue to Review Process

Author/Presenter Information

The primary Author/Presenter should be the main contact person for your submission. All correspondence will be sent ONLY to this individual.

* Fields marked with an asterisk are required.

Curriculum Vitae *Required

Submission Information

e.g. Mediation, Child Protection, Parenting, Property, Support etc

If your paper is already written or you have any supporting documents to add to your proposal please upload these here.

Additional Authors/Presenters

Please list any known co-authors below. Note that the NFLP can provide funding for attendance of no more than 2 presenters per paper. If more than 2 authors/presenters are in attendance, you may be responsible for costs associated with the additional persons' attendance.

2nd Speaker's Curriculum Vitae

3rd Speaker's Curriculum Vitae

4th Speaker's Curriculum Vitae

Agreement to Presenter terms. *Required
Terms and Conditions *Required


If selected, the NFLP will provide each paper's author(s) (max 2) with:

  • Complimentary registration at the NFLP
  • Reimbursement for flight costs
  • Stipend for accommodation and other travel costs ($1,000)

For submission information/help, contact:

For technical information or assistance using this site, contact:

Be sure to follow the NFLP on X and Linkedin to get the latest updates
. #NFLP2026