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2024 Manitoba Fall Education Event
Saturday, November 30th, 2024 8:30 am - 4:00 pm

Theme - Community Action Toward Change

Location: Westminster Co-op, 145 Maryland St., Winnipeg, MB


Time Activity
8:30-9:00am Registration
9:00-9:30am Morning networking
9:30am-12:00pm Morning workshop
12:00-1:30pm Lunch & Regional report
1:30-4:00pm Afternoon workshop

Morning networking 9:00 am – 9:30 am

Start the day reconnecting and making new connections with fellow co-operators.

Morning workshop 9:30 am – 12:00 pm

Community Action Toward Change Part 1
You will gather information before the workshop to come ready to identify a pressing need in your housing co-op and/or community. We will walk through some ways to consult members and assess what your co-op may need to build more cohesion or advance a priority or plan for the future.

Networking lunch 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm

Over a catered lunch a CHF Canada representative will give a regional report from the Board of Directors. We’ll have an opportunity to discuss important issues in Manitoba.

Afternoon workshop 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm

Community Action Toward Change Part 2
In part two, we will focus on ways to foster change and/or action in your co-op. You will end with practical tools and a way to forward to support needed action and change in your co-op.


Maria Vaiaso, Regional Manager, Prairies, CHF Canada

Maria Vaiaso is the CHF Canada Regional Manager to the Prairies. As a "big ideas" person, she has a keen interest in inspiring the next generation of co-operative housing leaders through the Co-op Housing for All vision for sustainability and growth. Maria supports the development of the Co-op Housing for All Peer Network through which sector leaders and innovators tell their stories of success.

Patricia Tessier, Director, Member Services, CHF Canada

Patricia is Director of Member Services with CHF Canada. Prior to this, she held an executive position with Ontario's second largest affordable housing provider. Patricia has 15 years experience in affordable housing and brings experience working abroad in sectors such as housing, technology, education, real estate and property management. She specialized in strategy, business models, partnering and process and service improvements. Patricia is a natural leader and humanitarian, with a passion for people, the plant and making a difference. She is currently completing her Masters in Cooperative Management.

Registration fees:

Registration type
CHF Canada Members
Early bird by November 15th, 2024
Regular after November 15th, 2024
First participant
Additional participants
Young member (35 & under)
free - after first member registration
free - after first member registration

Early bird registration discount: Register online by November 15th, 2024 and save $20 on each registration fee.
Additional participant discount: Once you've registered one member, you'll save $50 on each additional registration.
Young member discount: Once you've registered one member, each additional young member (under 35 years) is free.
Travel rebate: Travel rebates are available for individuals travelling to the event from more than 100km away. To apply for a travel rebate, complete this form:

Cancellation policy
All cancellations must be made at least 3 days prior to the event, and a $20 cancellation fee will apply. No refund will be issued for cancellations received less than 3 days prior to the event.

Scent-free event
This is a scent-free event. Please do not use scented products like fragrances, perfumes, colognes, aftershaves, hand creams or hand sanitizers.


Deirdre Bain, Education Program Coordinator

Maria Vaiaso, Regional Manager, Prairies, CHF Canada
778.327.5952 / 844.327.5947