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  • Registration has closed.

Registration is now closed.

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June 6 - Training Day
Afternoon of workshop-type sessions geared to supporting network members, Hubs, Projects and trainees

June 7-8 - Summit Days
Two full days of presentations interspersed with engagement opportunities

June 9 - Research Networking Day (invite only)
Morning of networking and collaboration opportunities for CMN research teams & partners

Click here for the complete program and keep an eye on your email for more information and updates to the program.

Registration Fees

This year’s event will be a hybrid event with CMN Knowledge Holders, researchers and teams invited to attend in-person or online and attendees from the extended community and general public participating virtually. The event is open to the public and students are welcome!
Click here for information on registration fees.


The in-person event will take place at the Banff Rocky Mountain Resort.

1029 Banff Ave, Banff, AB T1L 1H8
1 (866) 474-0426

Transportation from Calgary available from Banff Airporter:

The CMN Knowledge Sharing Summit will be hosted on the virtual event platform Pheedloop.

There is a mobile app that you can use to enhance your virtual experience or for staying connected from the venue.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about the event, please contact us at or Mosaic Events at 587-327-0225 ext. 905.