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The Great Canadian Road Trip: Live in Toronto, Ontario
May 13 to 15, 2025

CREA Global is travelling to TRREB's REALTOR® Quest event and is proud to be hosting a few events around the conference. Join cross-border real estate specialists on May 13 at our Global Day. Hosted at the Delta Hotels Toronto Airport & Conference Centre (parking is available onsite). The multi-faceted day will feature morning sessions, networking, a lunch and transportation to Tridel's beautiful Harbourwalk at Lakeview Village in Mississauga. It's the best chance to connect with globally minded REALTORS® before the conference.

CREA Global Day Association Partners:

We are also hosting a Global Reception on May 14 (5:30pm-7:30pm) immediately following TRREB's REALTOR® Quest events. Plan to join us!

Finally, you will find our booth in the international arena of the REALTOR® Quest expo. Drop by and learn more about global and visit with our partner from Coastal Carolinas, Illinois, Texas, Arizona and more! (Note: TRREB's REALTOR® Quest conference has a separate registration, visit ).


May 13 - Global Day
(Delta Hotels Toronto Airport & Conference Centre, parking available onsite)

  • 8:30am-9:00am - Coffee & Connect
  • 9:00am-10:30am - Rock Star Global Team
    - You need the right partners for your international clients both inbound and outbound. Hear the latest from Moneycorp, RBC Bank (U.S.) and FIRPTA Solutions.
  • 10:30am-11:15am - Navigating USA Title & Taxes
    - Hear the latest on important taxation and title considerations for your Canadian clients whether buying or selling property in the USA.
  • 11:15am-12:00pm - Using AI to become a Real Estate Rock Star!
    - Join Richard Silver & Jim Burtnick, Silver Burtnick & Associates of Sotheby's International as they explore how you can use AI to be a real estate rock star. 
  • 12:00pm-12:30pm - Transportation to property tour (Note: bus transportation to and from hotel is provided).
  • 12:30pm-3:30pm - Lunch and guided tour of 177-acre waterfront development site
    (Tridel's Harbourwalk at Lakeview Village).
  • 3:30pm - Transportation back to Delta Hotels Toronto Airport & Conference Centre

    May 14 - Global Reception

    • 5:30pm-7:30pm Global Reception at Milestones (646 Dixon Rd)


    May 13 - Global Day
    (Delta Hotels Toronto Airport & Conference Centre, 655 Dixon Rd)
    May 14 - Global Reception
    (Milestones, 646 Dixon Road 5:30pm-7:30pm)

    (Note: TRREB's REALTOR® Quest conference has a separate registration, visit )

    Cancellation of CREA's Global Day registration must be submitted via email to CREA Global ( ) by May 1, 2025, to receive a refund and will be subject to a $15.00 administration fee. There are no refunds for cancellations received after May 1, 2025 and for no-shows.

    Register Now – Space is Limited
    Returning Registrant


    Toronto Pearson Airport
    Many airlines fly to Toronto, Ontario (i.e. Air Canada, WestJet, Flair, Poret, United etc.).

    Transportation from airport to hotel and hotel to event site is attendees’ responsibility.


    Global Day will be held at the Delta Hotels Toronto Airport & Conference Centre. It is an easy walk to the Toronto Congress Centre, where TRREB’s REALTOR® Quest event will be held May 14-15, 2025.

    Delta Hotels Toronto Airport & Conference Centre

    655 Dixon Road,
    Toronto, Ontario

    Phone number:


    The Canadian Real Estate Association
    CREA Global Team

    CREA Global Day and Reception Partners