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Please enter the email address you used for the registration, and the confirmation number you were emailed when you completed the registration.

System Notification

  • Registration has closed.

Registration Fees

Full Registration $395.00
One Day Registration $295.00
Full Registration $575.00
One Day Registration $475.00

Tax Registration Number:

Registration fees include ALL meal functions.

** Note: Non-member manufacturers, dealers and associates will receive a 20% discount on membership if they sign up to become a member to attend this event. They can also then use the membership rate for conference registration. For membership applications click here.


Delta Hotels by Marriott Sherbrooke
2685 rue King Ouest,
Sherbrooke, QC
J1L 1C1

Accommodations are arranged at the Delta Hotels by Marriott Sherbrooke at the following rates:

$143 plus taxes (Single/Double Occupancy)

Use this link to book or call the hotel directly at: (888) 890-3222. Make sure you tell them you are part of a group booking for CKCA. If you plan to stay pre/post event, the hotel will extend the conference rate based on availability 3 days pre or post event. You must call the hotel to secure this rate outside the event dates.