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Registrant Information

Registrant Type *Required

First come, first serve.
Reserve your Exhibitor Booth or Sponsorship Package Today!

EOCP offers sponsorship and exhibitor packages to suit every budget and style – from our elite packages to sponsorship options that are an affordable way to get company exposure during the EOCP Conference & Tradeshow.

Contact our Sponsorship & Tradeshow Lead Aron Engelhard for more information and to customize your sponsor or exhibitor package at or 1.866 552 3627 ext. 225 or 236.521.8228

Sponsorship Level *Required
Registration Rates *Required

*Students cannot register themselves. If you are a student, please ask your program administrator at BCIT, OC, or TRU to register you via the EOCP office at

Single Day Rates *Required
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Floor Plan *Required
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Conference Book

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Booth Staff

Remaining: 5

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Terms and Conditions *Required

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Event Information

9-11 September 2024

Marriott Pinnacle Hotel
1128 W Hastings St
Vancouver, BC V6E 4J6



Please note that no refunds will be issued after the 31st of July 2024.

For more information

Environmental Operators Certification Program

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